Soul Mates
Rating: PG-13/K

Summary: "Hatred is not the only dark emotion." Drama/Romance. One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - Non-Canon Pairings. Femmeslash. Sort of. M/Kik.
Distribution: My site and IY Fic Contest. All others please ask before taking.

Feedback: Much appreciated at [email protected]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Shonen Jump. Brushes on this page courtesy of Pure Anodyne.
Soul Mates
It is not enough that she feels the pulse of Her soul in the back of her mind like a second, poisoned heart beat.

Not even enough that she can taste the burning blood of that final battle on everything she swallows.

But now she hears thoughts that aren't her own, so subtle sometimes that she almost mistakes them for own drives, her own desires.

But really, when has she ever had
those desires?

And it is frightening to be the focus of those kinds of feelings.

And it is frightening to realize that some part of herself might feel the same way.

She tries to ignore it- she has a purpose here and what love she has is meant for another.

That does not stop the waking dreams so strong that they nearly throw off her aim when she is fighting the detachment.

Later, mending the damage, she curses herself for being affected.

When she sees the Shinidamachuu glide past on their search for souls and feels that damn pulse in her mind, she finally snaps.

"I am only capable of hatred and vengeance. You can not touch me, Midoriko!"

Hatred is not the only dark emotion.
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