The Right Incentive
Rating: PG-13/T

Summary: How did Jaken really end up serving the inu-youkai? General/Is 'Squicky' a genre? One Shot. IY Fic Contest Entry. Challenge - "Minion".
Distribution: My site and IY Fic Contest. All others please ask before taking.

Feedback: Much appreciated at [email protected]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Shonen Jump. Brushes on this page courtesy of Pure Anodyne.

A/N: I know that Jaken's the obvious choice but this was a three-hundred pound plot bunny with a "Mom" tattoo. It's not my fault!
The Right Incentive
"Let me see- I have to agree to remain permanently in my weaker, smaller form like some low-class demon, agree to not use bladed weapons and agree to be bound to serve your heir as long as his bloodline lasts?"

The lord nods, completely shameless.

Jaken tries to remain calm. "I came here to negotiate a truce- not to serve as your son's lackey!"

The lord yawns. "You agree to this- consider the truce negotiated. If not..." He shrugs. "If not, we have a long boring discussion ahead of us. So what do you say, little lord?"

Jaken is trying to find words that don't involve anatomically impossible contortions when the lord beside him stiffens. The green man automatically follows his line of sight and-

The... being that is crossing the courtyard freezes Jaken's refusal in the back of his suddenly dry throat.

His eyes nearly pop out of his head and he makes inarticulate gulping noises like a land-drowned fish.


The lord gives a small, knowing smirk.

"Gorgeous. The next Inu-no-taisho. Has sexual chemistry with rocks, buildings and pieces of rotting flesh. So what do you say?"

The green man swallows hard.

"Do I get to carry a big stick?"

-The End-
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