Subject: Re: Fw: RS: VT Conference
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From:    Diane Waken

When I was Visiting Teacher Supervisor or whatever the calling is,  I did a conference called "Soup - n- More"   I got the ideas from my Mom in Tooele, Utah  13th ward

It started out with Dinner which of course was SOUP.  Then a song called "I can't go today" to the tune of Que Sera Sera.  We then did a skit called "Soup"  The VT would go into a home with soup and the women would tell of some problem and the VT would say  "Oh here is some soup, we have to run, or keep on schedule. After a few scenarios they went back and re-visited the right way.   The script is all written as a poem.   After the skit we had a short talk and  ended with the song "In Need of His Love".  It was a wonderful evening full  of fun.

Here is one of my favorite poems for VT.

Two Visitors By Hazel M. Thomson

A kindly soul came to the house,
On a sad, heart-breaking day.
She shook the hands and talked with folks,
In a sympathetic way.
And in soft tones she said to them, before she turned to go.
"If there is anything I can do, be sure and let me know".

Another came to this same house,
Entered quietly at the door.
Washed the dishes, made a pie, and finally scrubbed the floor.
And when she left, no one recalled,
Tho' they knew it to be true
That she had never even asked,
If there was anything she could do.

Thanks for letting me share ideas with you all.   Let me know if anyone wants the song or script.


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