VT Conference - In His Service

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Joan & Willard George

Subject: Re: RS: [Fwd: Does Anyone Have Ideas?]

Hi!  Our theme is "In His Service".  The scriptures we are basing the  meeting on are Matthew 25:34-46 ("Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the  least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."); Mosiah 2:17 ("When ye are in the  service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your  God"); Mosiah 18:8-10 (Being willing to comfort those who stand in need of comfort, mourn  with those that mourn, being willing to share one another's burdens that  they may be light, and standing as a witness of God at all times and in all  places); and D&D 81:5  (Succoring the weak, lifting up the hands that hang  down, and strengthening the feeble knees).

As the women come in we are serving them a small piece of quiche, mixed  fruit, and a heart-shaped cookie and a cup of water to take to their  seats.  Small heart-shaped balloons in many colors will be tied in bunches around the  room to be given to each sister as she leaves.  We took a picture of  the Savior from an Ensign cover and had it blown up quite large at Kinko's copy place.   Along the side of the room that will hang with the theme written below  it.  Three very large hearts will be filled with the ideas from the above scriptures  illustrated both by the Savior and today (i.e.  the Savior feeding the  5,000 and some sisters taking in a casserole to illustrate I was an hungered and ye  gave me meat, Jesus healing the sick and some sisters visiting the sick,  etc.)  I went through lots of Ensigns and New Eras to find suitable pictures.  Each  of the hearts will show one of the scriptures--Matthew, Mosiah and D&C  81:5 with the above-mentioned pictures adorning them.  I hope you can envision what I  mean.

We are beginning the meeting with "Have I Done any Good In the World  Today?"  There will be a few opening comments introducing the theme.   Then a brother will sing "A poor Wayfaring Man of Grief"  (all verses).  We have a keynote  speaker coming who will take about 35 minutes of the 2-hour meeting to  be held during Sunday School and Relief Society times.  (The Priesthood brethren are  taking care of the Primary and Young Women's classes so that all the  women of the ward can attend.  Even though it is a V.T. Convention, we encourage all our  sisters to attend and even hand or mail a personal invitation to each  one the week before.)

After the keynote speaker we have a cute skit about Visiting teaching  done in Dr. Suess type verse which makes lots of points in a fun,  painless way.  A sister will then sing "His Hands" and our V.T. Supervisor will talk  about D&C 81:5 and introduce our V.T. Supervisors.  Another soloist or a  trio will sing "Come Ye Blessed".  I will be the concluding speaker hopefully tying  all these threads together.  Our closing song will be  "Called to Serve."

We are having a printed program with a printed agenda for the meeting  and also the poem "He Has No Hands But Our Hands"  which someone from  the list kindly sent me.  It will also list the V.T. coordinator and the supervisors   and have the following statement for each sister to contemplate as she  does her visiting teaching:    "I am a representative of Jesus Christ.  I am called of God by  revelation.  I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord  Jesus Christ. And He has chosen me to represent Him, to say and do what He Himself  would say and do to the very people to whom He has sent me.  My voice is  His voice.  My words are His words.  My commission is to do what He wants done, to say  what He wants said and witness in word and deed His great Latter-Day  work."

One of my counselors is doing the invitations and the other is doing  the program.  The secretary is decorating the front table and the serving  table in the very back of the room and selecting the paper goods, flowers, etc.  Our  budget is $50.00 for this convention.  The V.T. Coordinator and the  supervisors are each helping either with the skit, the cookies or in some way.

Good luck and God bless, Joan in  California



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