Discussion on Visit Teaching in Groups

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I don't know if this is an approved way to do VT, but I know of several stakes in Utah that do it this way. Actually, it is given as an option.

Some sisters have expressed difficulty in getting their VT done for a lot of different reasons (ie takes three hours to get their district done, can't take their children to some sisters' homes - too many antiques -  and can't afford a sitter, etc)

Someone (I'd like to know who) came up with the idea of having 4-6 sisters meet together once a month to do their visiting. That way, in 45 minutes once a month, they are all done with their VT'ing. I've heard good reports from young mothers and  working women.

The only negative response I've heard of was from those sisters who truly enjoy visiting in each others' homes, and don't have the time restraints that some have. Some of the older sisters in my mil's ward, for instance, really missed the long visits with their sisters (even though they're not supposed to be long)

My sil is in one of these groups, and the sisters she meets with have really formed a strong bond. They really watch out for each other and have formed strong friendships. They have even started a cookbook and recipe exchange within the group. She loves having the visiting done in 45 minutes, but really see those sisters much more each month than when she was in a traditional district. It's really meeting the needs of those sisters who choose this option.
Linda in Utah

I can see that there would be some very positive aspects to this type of visiting teaching but we've not had any type of counsel about it here in alaska... that I've heard anyway.  The only thing I would wonder about is the sister who has a personal problem and who really needs to talk to her visiting teachers privately.

Sometimes, when things look fine on the outside, a sister is really hurting or in trouble.  There are times when we all need that opportunity to talk to someone.... if we have a good relationship with our visiting teachers, it can be them to fill this need.  But I know I would be totally hesitant to share a personal problem in a large group like that.  Just my own thoughts brought on from when I was RSO and dealt with many sisters who had private struggles.
Connie in ak.

I had assigned 2 sisters to teach 2 others who were teaching them to try to  help our situation.  A group decided on their own to do the group thing.  I  had one of their sisters say this very thing -- that she liked getting to  know the others but didn't feel comfortable  opening up in a group.  I think it might be like the letter and phone call, maybe it could be done sometimes as an alternate but not all the time.  I feel we need to be creative and follow the principle of VT and use the practise in a way that best suits the sisters.  Like Joseph Smith said, We teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.
Shirley in Louisiana
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