Visiting Teacher Survival Kit

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VT Survival kit
Contributor: Theresa M Smith

I received this last night at our Stake meeting and thought I'd pass it along.

Visiting Teacher’s Survival Kit

Rubber band: To remind you to hug others--we are all banded together through Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:10

Tissue: To remind you to dry someone's tears (or perhaps your own) as you see the concerns of others.
Revelation 7:17

Button: To remind you to "button you lips" against gossip or backbiting or talking when it is not appropriate.
Psalms 34:13

Toothpick: To remind you to "pick out" the good qualities of everyone- including yourself.
Philippians 4:8

Band Aid: To remind you of healing hurt feelings, either yours or someone else's.
Hosea 11:4

Candy Kiss: To remind you that every one needs your sweet, sweet spirit.
Romans 16:16

Gold Thread: To remind you that friendship is the "golden thread" that ties together the hearts of everyone.
Romans 8:38-39

Eraser: To remind you that everyone makes mistakes and there is forgiveness for everyone.
Psalms 123:12

Lifesaver Candy: To remind you to think of Jesus Christ as your "lifesaver". Whenever you need to talk, He is willing to listen.
John 14:6

Mint: To remind you that you are worth a mint to your sisters. As we fellowship with one another, we value one another in Christ.
Matthew 6:26

Have fun!


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