Visiting Teaching Conference Theme "Light"

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VT conf - Light - part1

Link to Script for following program


This is what my friend typed up for you all describing our VT conference that she did for our ward.  This first message is what we actually did, then the next message "part 2" is the actual script.  I got a lot of responses asking for this so I am sending it to all of you.  Enjoy!!


Sisters,  In case you may want more ideas or information, I have also chosen to include most of the details of the VT conference I wrote this program for.

Our theme was "Light"

The invitations, poster, and reminders all had a light bulb picture on them, or a small Christmas light bulb attached.

I used our cultural hall divided into three separate portions, by the folding curtains.  However, the sister's were only aware of the first section to begin with.  In there we began our conference with prayer and refreshments---just muffins, juice and fruit.  I asked a sister to read an inspirational story I had chosen.  I then handed out file folders for them to keep all vt ideas in at home.  I included a blank page for note taking and began a discussion in which I encouraged them to share, by asking questions about their past experiences with effective visiting teaching.  Or something that someone once did for them as a vt.  Then I had a hand out of ideas of things we can do for those  we visit teach, gift ideas included.  We read it out loud and discussed more.

Then I divided them into six teams and said it was time for some fun.  We played a game on a giant game board that I made by cutting up 3 large table cloths into about 8 or 10 pieces each. ( I got these at Wal-Mart for about $2 each).  We had one person be the "marker piece" and move around from spot to spot according to the directions read off cards, by their teammates.  They would take turns drawing a card and reading it aloud.  I had about 45 cards, but recommend at least 60 and none saying " go back 3 spaces''   Most of them were positive saying things've been reading your scriptures daily. Move forward 2 spaces."  or " You made the sister you visit teach feel special.  Move forward 3 spaces."  A few said things like.."You didn't want to come to church Sun. figuring that you'd just have to spend the time controlling your kids.  Stay where you are. "  These brought some levity into the game.  Be prepared for the sisters to be competitive, in a fun way.  And don't worry if you have to make up some rules as you go along. ( like what if two teams, or three, land on the same space).  We ran out of cards before anyone got to the end, so I just asked for the sisters understanding and assured them that winning was not the focus of the game. ( you may want to set a timer and just play for that period of time, saying that whoever gets the farthest wins.

Afterward I asked the sisters to stand together in their teams.  Then I handed out one script, enclosed in an envelope, to each team.  ( If you have 6 or more sisters on the winning team you could give all of them the scripts) numbered 1 to 6.  I also handed them a light.  #1 got the dimmest light, #2 slightly brighter, etc until #6 received a bright lamp with no lampshade. Then I asked them to turn off their lights and explained that I was turning off all the other lights as well and that it would be VERY dark and that this would be the focus of our conference. ( this made them all very quiet and attentive) After I had a sister switch off the light ( as I was standing by the closed curtain) I opened the curtain.   Only the sister , or team, reading was allowed to turn on their light so for at least the first 2 or 3 readings they couldn't see into the next area.  Gradually as the light increased and they listened to the messages, they were able to see 80 chairs set up, each with a paper plate face and a large name strip attached.  There was one for each sister in the ward.  As the 5th message was read, they were beginning to see, and there were several teary eyes.  The 6th light and message made it all fairly clear.

I then asked each sister to find her seat, explaining that they were arranged alphabetically  ( by the way I only had 12 sisters attend other than myself) I heard them commenting quietly that they did not recognize many of the names. Then as I sat down, I asked them to look around and imagine each of the chairs filled with their sisters at a RS meeting.  I asked them to imagine most of those sisters with a family, that may be influenced by the restored gospel. I bore my testimony of visiting teaching and of the light in can bring into our lives, and the lives of others.  I asked that we then sing the first and last verse of #304 Teach Me to Walk in the Light,  without accompaniment. And a closing prayer was given.

The setup for this program was a lot.  I chose not to have the presidency help me, but my dh did instead. I wanted the presidency to feel the impact of it as well so I did not share the details with them.  The entire conference was over within 2 hours.  I needed to allow about twice that much time for the set-up the night before.  I taped the paper plate faces to wide craft sticks and taped them onto chair tops.  Then I taped names below.  A few Hymnbooks should also be left on the chairs.

The lights I used were ....

1. a pen-light
2. a lighter
3. small flashlight
4. larger flashlight
5. bedside lamp
6. full-size lamp-no lampshade 200 watt bulb!

Also, you should know that there may be a problem with the lights in the cultural hall.  Ours do not shut all the way off.  My dh went to the circuit breakers and even after turning those off we still had too much light!  It was just wired that way. The lights did seem to fade throughout that evening as we worked.  We prayed and decided to do it anyway.  By the next morning they had gone completely out in that last portion of the cultural center which we'd tried to disconnect.  I was grateful, but fearful that we might have permanently damaged those lights or burnt out the bulbs, but they were fine when the circuit breaker was flipped. : )   In any case, check out your situation before beginning to plan.

I hope this is of help to some of  you.  I really struggled with this conference, and finally felt the inspiration come.  Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, at [email protected]   Also, feel free to share this with anyone who is interested.  Best of blessings to each of you as you serve.  And may you be filled with LIGHT.

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