New Handbook Guidelines for "Visiting Teaching Leaders"

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VT assignments and the VT Coordinator Drennan

Here's the other letter I meant to post to the whole list that gives more information from the new handbook..

Sheri (in Michigan)

 The VT Coordinator title is not used in the new handbook.  It is now called the Visiting Teaching Leader and here is what it says about her responsibilities:

"If a ward Relief Society has a large membership, the RS presidency recommends a sister for the bishopric to call as the visiting teaching leader.  She works under the direction of the Relief Society president."

"The visiting teaching leader helps the Relief Society president coordinate visiting teaching and make sure it is done effectively.  If visiting teaching supervisors have been called, she also coordinates this work with them.

"She receives monthly reports of visits or other contacts that visiting teachers have made.  She also may help prepare the monthly visiting teaching report as outlined on page 207."

"She ensures that all visiting teachers have access to a copy of the visiting teaching messages that are printed in the Ensign or International Magazines.  The messages may be duplicated."

"She helps the presidency plan an annual visiting teaching workshop ."

"She attends ward Relief Society leadership meetings."

VISITING TEACHING WORKSHOP (no longer called conferences, I guess) "Each ward Relief Society holds an annual visiting teaching workshop.  All visiting teachers attend.  The purpose of the workshop is to thank, instruct, encourage, and inspire sisters in visiting teaching.  The workshop is planned and conducted under the direction of the Relief Society president.  The visiting teaching leader provides assistance."

This is the third "New Handbook" questions e-mail I have sent today so if others of you can take over on other questions that come up I'd appreciate it.  I can only handle "one liner" answers from now on.

Hope my efforts have helped.  I know how anxious you all are to get your hands on your new handbooks.  They are effective 1/1/99 so I'm sure you will all have them soon!

Sheri (in Michigan)

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