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Marsha Forsberg

Dear Sisters,

I was in the mission RS Pres. when I lived in Alabama and Hartmon Rector Junior was the mission president (about 20+ years ago). At that time, he reminded us that" we only have church meetings to uplift, fellowship, and build the kingdom", but that he could see that "in the not too distant future" when we could no longer rely on others for "refueling or sharing light".

We would no longer have others rekindle us and teach us and our children. (no more meetings unless to take the sacrament "which could also be taken to the home". He told us that "then we will only have THE MOST IMPORTANT callings of the church left to rely on. - Home and Visiting Teaching".

He went onto say that "then the Church will be operating more on the level where we are responsible for our own families and our own testimonies." He told us that if we were to only teach one concept, it must be that the visiting teaching and home teaching programs are the most important callings in the church." He taught us many things concerning visiting teaching that to this day have stuck with me. Life IS hard and hectic, but if all we had to gain instruction from, and our only line from the Church leaders and Prophet was our home and visiting teachers, it sounds like many would be in trouble out there.

Barbara Smith, Gen.RS Pres, came to a women's conference in Butte when she was Pres. and said that visiting teaching was the most important calling in the church. She said that as we knealt privately morning and evening, we should pray about and for our VT sisters that we may have the blessings and powers of personal revelations, discernment, and inspiration for each of our sisters EVERY day.

She challenged us to strengthen the program as VITAL to each sister's well being by walking with the Spirit each day. The spirit INCREASED phenomenally. There was a new appreciation for visiting teaching. The stake president and bishops were in attendance with our presidents, so it was also supported by the priesthood. The spiritual level of our stake grew immensely as well.

As a matter of fact, the following Sunday at 6:00 AM EVERY priesthood holder was called on the phone and summoned to an "important meeting relevant to your familiy's spiritual survival and salvation" at 6:30. They were each talked to about the importance of their callings as home teachers reminding them that THEY WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEEDS NOT ONLY OF THEIR OWN FAMILIES, BUT THEIR HOME TEACHING FAMILIES. They were questioned about how seriously they took their callings as emissaries of the Lord. It became a testimony meeting for those with dedicated home teachers and a "please help" for those who didn't have the most dedicated.

We all have had some wonderful ones and some terrible ones; but it is crucial that we all feel the importance of our callings as well as our responsibility to work with those who visit us. As a presidency, WE took the sisters that needed extra blessings and we were the ones who received the extra blessings.

While doing this, we had some sisters who were doing as they were asked, and while one was at work, the other outside hanging clothes, they both received an urgent thought to get out to the Setterstrom's far on the outskirts of town immediately. Each one tried to call one of their sisters; neither got an answer.

At the same time, one of my counselors felt the need to go out there (I was in the hospital). This young sister who had been unable to have children for ten years had finally had a little boy who was the light of their lives. He was two years old and was missing. One of the sisters had come up by way of the mountains with her husband in the truck as they had been out getting wood. They came across his little body in the irrigation ditch without knowing that he was missing. (Their baby had died two years previously and the mother had said that she knew exactly how this mom felt as did her husband and just happened to know what to do with the body and what to say.)

All of this happened as everyone arrived simulataneously. The bishop had been called and was there as well to administer to her. We took care of the body as far as dressing etc. so that was already in place as well. It was a nightmare blanketed in love as we were all in the palm of His hands. Everyone knew that it was because so many were in tune. What a wonderful blessing that was to not only have so many in tune, but to have so many act on it as well.

We certainly can't take away those experiences that wrench hearts, turn families inside out, and eventually cause us to grow, but if we are each in tune with the Spirit and our Heavenly Father's will, we can truly help bear one another's burdens, make someone's burdens lighter, and make some lemonade out of the little lemons we each receive on a daily basis.

Because we are truly acting as representatives of the Church and our Savior, we must also go in pairs to have spiritual safety as the adversary is most threatened with righteous actions. I do not feel that any reason is O.K. to go alone as the revelation that set up these programs takes all into consideration- much that we can't comprehend. It isn't always going to be a major thing that our sisters need.

I was so disheartened by the letters of those who have not only not been visiited, but shunned that I felt I needed to say this. I feel that as the winding up scenes of the earth are becoming more treacherous each day, the adversary is getting stronger and so must we. If we all have only our visiting and home teachers to instruct us, it is my prayer that they are in tune with the spirit of their callings, so my family and I will have all the armor that is available. Until that time comes, I pray that we all see the "Light" of this most sacred calling.

I hope I didn't offend anyone. It is not my intent. I have had soooo many experiences where it could've even meant my life if I had been alone. May the Lord bless each of us as we endeavor to do His work and truly bless the lives of those we visit teach. mho

Love, Your sister, Marsha
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Contributor: Anne Sheedy

Dear Sisters,

Greetings!  The book, VISITING TEACHING-A CALL TO SERVE, by Johanna Flynn & Anita Canfield, published by Deseret Book Company (paperback) is such an inspiring and helpful book.   The message is simple and beautifully written.

On a personal level, I was blessed to have had an inspired and experienced Visiting Teaching companion assigned to me in my first month as a new convert member of this church.   Even though it was many years ago, I have never forgotten her words regarding this calling.

She told me that Visiting Teaching was a way in which we could help to do the Savior's work by bringing a special message each month and through fasting and prayer know which of the Lord's precious daughters might be in need of something, whether it was temporal or spiritual.

-I was counseled to never miss a month in visiting these women because consistency was the only way to build trust.
-I learned to make the next month's appointment at each visit.
-I learned that even the most active sisters in the ward still needed to be visited each month.
-I learned to not gossip and to listen with my heart as well as with my ears. In short, I've learned a lot about the Savior through this calling.   I've seen and experienced many amazing miracles through this calling.

Now I've just moved to Manhattan!   Hopefully soon I'll receive a call as a Visiting Teacher in the BIG APPLE!  With love and hugs,  Anne

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