Four Themes for Womens' Conferences

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Linda Toone

Subject: RS: Women's Conference

I thought I would share some Women's Conference ideas that have worked well for us the last several years.

Our stake always has an annual Women's Conference, and they've been really successful.  The last few years (while I've been stake RS pres.) we've kept kind of the same format- because the sisters really seem to like it.  We meet for registration and donuts and juice from 9-9:30.  At 9:30 we have our opening program in the Chapel with keynote speaker, or musical presentation, or whatever our theme calls for.  Then we have 3 hours of classes- they pick 3 out of 12 offered.  Then we have a luncheon, and some type of program or sharing or something at the end.  It lasts from 9-2 and the sisters really love it.  This year our theme is on having more joy in our lives, so we'll probably do some fun and crazy things (our conference isn't till Sept.) We have some fun ideas in the works.

Last year the theme was "Arise and Shine Forth" and all the classes were on the 9 points of the RS Declaration.  It was a culmination of several months of a stake goal setting program, where each sister was asked to set a goal to do something that would brig them closer to Christ, and Light the Way for others.  We had a great keynote speaker visiting from California.  At the end, a sister from each of our 8 wards shared their goals and what they'd been doing- it was really great.  We also had display tables for those who had visible goals and something to display.

The year before our theme was "Prepare Every Needful Thing" from D&C 88:119.  The classes were all on the "house of order, house of learning, house of prayer, etc.  We had worked all year on all types of preparation...We emphasized the idea that preparing for the Temple was one of the most important preparations there is- and we performed a musical presentation called "Come to the House of the Lord" by Steven Kapp Perry.  Very effective.

The year before that, our theme was "Hearts Knit Together" and was the culmination of a year of service projects- mostly Newborns in Need.  All the sisters had been making baby layettes for hospitals, making blankets, quilts, mittens, donating items, etc.  and we were able to distribute them to 14 different agencies and hospitals.  Everyone brought their items that day, and it was amazing!  We invited representatives from the community to come and pick up what they wanted for their hospital, etc.  and say a few words.  It was very heartwarming, and I think we're ready to do another service related theme next year. 

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