Welfare Work Assignment Suggestions
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Welfare Work Assignment Suggestions

Contributor: ??
Something for sisters to do that receive welfare from the church:

1.  Have them help in making baby quilts to give to sisters in the ward with new babies, or lap blankets for nursing home.

2.  Have them watch children for a home making meeting, or maybe a RS board meeting.

3.  Have them help clean a house of a sick sister, or one that has just had a baby. You could also have them offer to watch children of someone having a baby.

Contributor: Geri

We have been asking people on assistance to do some of the repetitive tasks at our building - such as cleaning the oven and washing windows.  We also had one family that gardens and they offered to put in a larger than needed garden and take care of it so that there would be produce to share.  For a while we had a family receiving assistance who had a van - she would pick up all the orders and deliver them - this was a big deal since those receiving at that time did not drive or worked during pick-up hours.

Sometimes, I believe, we need to exercise compassion as we seek things for people to do.  One of the recipients in our ward is burdened in ways that are not obvious.  I would not ask her to do one more thing - she is attending her Sunday meetings and holding her family together - and right now, that is all that she can be expected to do. I don't know if that helps - I love D & C 9:7-9 - this list help me with the thinking it out part - I have considered more options before I make a decision and take it to the Lord.

Contributor: Jane F.

In response to the question re:  assignments to give in return for welfare assistance:

My daughter's bishop (with the permission of the Stake President) requires families that are having spiritual problems as well as financial to:

1)read scriptures as a couple or a family,
2)have family prayer twice a day,
4)other similar spiritual assignments rather than doing physical work.

His feelings are that if you can help a family spiritually eventually it will come around and help financially.  Jane F.

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