Preparation Specialist Responsibilities

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Preparedness Specialist


We have just called a Preparedness Specialist.  Is there any one out there that also has this calling  and could give us some ideas on how to best  utilize this person. What exactly should we have  her do and what should her guide lines be.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


This is what ours do.  We have them on the ward and stake level.  The 'job descriptions' are flexible and we will probably make some modifications next year.

Ann A.  Amadori

 Ward Provident Living Specialist  Fredericksburg VA Stake

Mission:  Promote principles of provident living and self reliance, identify resources, and encourage preparedness in every family within the ward boundaries.

Duties:  Report to the Stake Provident Living Specialist and the Ward  Relief Society Homemaking counselor on the progress of ward members’ preparedness.

1. Set quarterly/yearly goals with the Stake Provident Living Specialist and the Ward Relief Society Homemaking Counselor.
2. Be a resource to the Stake Provident Living Specialist when planning the annual preparedness fair.
3. Coordinate family canning trips and bulk food orders on a ward level.
4. Locate other cost effective storage items for ward members to purchase.
5. Keep current surveys from each family in regard to preparedness and resources: IE - skills, tools, storage, communication.
6. Give or arrange for demonstrations, or lectures relating to provident living or emergency preparedness.  (5th Sundays, Homemaking, or Ward activities)
7. Coordinate efforts with the Ward Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and the Ward Welfare Committee.


1. Ward Emergency Preparedness Committee to determine needs and coordinate goals to improve preparedness among ward members.
2. Ward Relief Society Board Meetings and to coordinate with the Ward Homemaking Committee to plan activities which encourage provident living and improve preparedness.
3. Ward Correlation Meeting when invited to report needs and progress.  One meeting per month is likely sufficient, Ward leadership to determine frequency.
4. Stake Relief Society Leadership Meeting quarterly, at the invitation of the Stake Relief Society Presidency, to meet with the Stake Provident Living Specialist.

 Stake Provident Living Specialist Fredericksburg VA Stake

Mission:  Promote principles of provident living and self reliance, identify resources, and encourage preparedness in every family within the stake boundaries.


1. With guidance from the Stake Presidency, set quarterly/yearly goals with Ward Provident Living Specialists.
2. Work under Stake Relief Society Homemaking counselor.
3. Work with the Stake Emergency Preparedness committee to plan and implement an annual Preparedness Fair.
4. Train Ward Provident Living Specialists in essential storage needs and basic skills and how to encourage ward members to improve their preparedness.
5. Identify speakers or specialists who could teach mini classes in Relief Society Homemaking or on 5th Sunday Relief Society/ Priesthood lessons.
6. Locate cost effective storage items to aid members of wards in gathering their storage.
7. Obtain ward preparedness surveys from the Ward Provident Living Specialists to help the Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee become aware of capabilities and resources within the wards.

1. Report to the Stake Relief Society Homemaking counselor concerning needs and progress in wards’ preparedness.
2. Attend Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee meetings.
3. Attend quarterly Relief Society Leadership Meeting and have a department for ward counterparts.
4. Attend Stake Welfare Meetings when invited.

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