Questions for Junior (younger) Children

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Journal Jar

Include this poem with your jar:

"Preserve your memories - seal them up well.
What you forget, you can never retell.
But a journal that's kept fresh on the shelf
Will help someone through rough times -
Maybe even yourself!"


Draw a picture of your favorite pet or animal.

Draw a picture of your favorite thing to do in the summertime.

Draw a picture of your favorite place to go.

Draw a picture of your favorite thing to do with Grandma or Grandpa.

Draw a picture of what you want for Christmas or what you are giving your Mom.

Draw a picture of what you play with at the park.

Draw a funny picture about something that makes you laugh!

Draw a picture of the house you live in.

Draw a picture of your favorite birthday present.

Draw a picture of your favorite toy.

Draw a picture of your family.

Draw a picture of anything that you are afraid of.

Draw a picture of what you would buy if you had all the money in the world.

Draw a picture of your favorite outfit to wear.

Draw a picture of your room and what makes it special.

Draw a picture of your favorite holiday.

Draw a picture using your favorite color.

Draw a picture of what you want to be when you grow up.

Draw a picture of your favorite activity to do outside.

Draw a floorplan of your home and label the rooms.

Draw a picture of yourself dressed in your Halloween costume.

Draw a picture of yourself as a baby.

Draw a picture of your favorite scripture story.

Draw a picture of yourself.

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