One Ward's Monthly Themes for 1999

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RS Homemaking Meetings
Contributor:   Cindy,  Gladstone, OR

Here is our Homemaking plan for next year:

Homemaking Theme Agenda

D&C 109:8:  "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of God."

Jan "A House of Order" - organizational skills, food storage, computer for dummies

Feb "A House of Glory" - chili cook-off, giving service

Mar - Birthday dinner - fashion show

Apr - "A House of Learning" - gardening/humanitarian project

May - "A House of Faith" - genealogy

June - "Prepare for every needful thing" - food storage potluck

July - "Here's the scoop" - summer fun w/kids.  cheap places to go, car maintenance

Aug - "A House of Learning" - basic knowledge & self reliance

Sep - Humanitarina Project Dinner - ward involvement

January food will be popcorn - sign-up to make different types with recipes provided

Mini-classes will be:  helping hands FHE chart/chore chart, Planning Your Year Supply, Budgeting for the Family, Computers for Dummies.  Our Home Mgmt lesson will be on the year's preparedness plan.  The VT lesson will include giving the popcorn as a gift such as "just popped in to wish you a Happy New Year".

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