More Effective Scripture Study

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Subj.:  RS: Scripture Study
Contributor: Angie Rix

Someone recently asked about scripture study lessons.  In our Stake RS mtg. last summer, our Stake RS Pres. shared this program with us.  It is from a BYU Professor.  It has made all the difference in scripture study!  We gave out one subject folder for them to write in.  It was a very nice lesson.  We also encouraged the sisters to share this with the sisters that they VT.  This article was printed out on pretty paper (8x11) and handed to each sister.

~Angie Rix

Through Meaningful Scripture Study

1.  PLAN ( Abr. 4:21; 2 Nep 9:13)
I will study the ___________________for____________ minutes each day at___________________________.

2. ASK  (1Nep. 2:16; D&C 32:4; D&C 136:32-33)
Begin with prayer, humbly asking for the Spirit to claim the blessings and spiritual nourishment that come from daily scripture study.

3. SEARCH  ( John 5:39; Alma 17:2-3; 3 Nep 10:14)
Read slowly, incorporating scripture study skills as you read.

4.  PONDER  (3 Nep 17:2-3: D&C 76:18-19; D&C 138:1,11)
Pause and ponder words, phrases, and feelings, thus allowing for the HolyGhost to deliver messages to your mind and heart.

5.  WRITE  (2 Nep 4:15-16; 3 Nep 23:4; D&C 25:7-8)
Write down your feelings, insights, discoveries, and personal applications.  This can help solidify your understanding and crystallize in your mind the personal revelation from the Lord.

6.  THANK  (John 11:41;  Mosiah 2:20-21; D&C 59:7)
Close with prayer, thanking our Heavenly Father for the scriptures and how they have blessed your life.

"If we expect to bless others with God's truths and compassion and sustenance, then I believe we must spend more time with God in a very direct way.  We do not have to rely on anyone else's testimony of the Father.  We can and should have DIRECT ENCOUNTERS of our own.  If our cup is going to bring relief to the spiritually parched lips of our sisters, we would do well to spend a little more time making sure that the cup is filled-- and refilled-- by Him every day of our life--- or we have nothing of real strength to give.  When we connect with God then we will connect with others.  When we pay the price to see God we are enabled to see how closely connected we are to each other".
(Patricia Holland, BYU Women's Conf. 1996)

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