Idea for Brigham Young lesson #20

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Subj:  Re: RS: BY Lesson #20
Contributor: Mindi Gates

Just a few thoughts.  I taught this lesson a few weeks ago, but I was not prepared!  I received a call from the teacher at 9 am Sunday morn. and RS starts at 11 am, and I still had 3 young girls to get ready!  So as you can tell I really had to rely on the spirit!  But the lesson went well.  I tried to relate each item to the sister's lives.

I had the pictures from the Church News of all the general authorities and talked about that the prophet was the only one to receive revelation for the church.....etc....then we talked about the kind of revelation that each sister could receive and who they could or could not receive revelation for.

We talked about the different backgrounds of the 12 apostles, and yet they have to be of one voice, and how they would do that.  I then related that to our sisterhood in RS and how we could be of one voice.....and took it one step farther, how we could be one voice in our own homes.

I loved the part about the Lord never letting the Prophet lead us astray, IF WE ARE FOUND DOING OUR DUTY!   That put the responsibility back on each individual sister!

We talked about  the 12 apostles and their responsibilities and duties.  One part said something about how it was their duty and privilege to have the Holy Ghost with them at all times, I tried to relate that to the sister's lives that it was our privilege too if we would live righteously

We talked about the Bishop and his many responsibilities, and then I tried to emphasize our responsibility to support him and how we can do that.  (not second guessing his decisions....etc)  Because he being our judge at the time can know our hearts and be an accurate judge.  (D&C 121: 41-42)

We talked  a lot about misunderstandings, and the problems that they can bring. We talked about the importance of not taking offense whether it is intended or not.......the importance of confronting an individual instead of gossiping, etc.

Relating each point of the lesson to the sisters lives really sparked a lot of discussion so I had lots of help with the lesson:)   Don't know if this has helped or not, but rely on the spirit to know what parts to really emphasize, good luck, it is a beautiful lesson.

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