2000 Teaching Schedule and Topics

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"Teachings of Joseph F. Smith" manual

 1. I Know that My Redeemer Lives
 2. A Personal Witness of the Prophet Joseph Smith
 3. True, Faithful, and Earnest Prayer
 4. The Influence of Mothers
 5. The Inspiration and Divinity of the Scriptures
 6. Faith:  The Foundation of all Righteousness
 7. The Glorious Work of Repentance and Baptism
 8. The Holy Ghost
 9. Our Missionary Duty
 10. Jesus Christ Redeems all Mankind from Temporal Death
 11. Jesus Christ Redeems the Repentant from Spiritual Death
 12. Valiant in the Cause of Christ
 13. Stand by the Truth Lest Ye Be Deceived
 14. Being Loyal Citizens
 15. The Salvation of Little Children
 16. Priesthood, the Divine Government
 17. The Great Plan of Life and Salvation
 18. Chastity and Purity
 19. Thrift, the Foundation of Prosperity
 20. The Eternal Union of Husband and Wife
 21. Relief Society:  Divinely Organized for the Good of the Saints
 22. Charity in our Souls
 23. Receiving a Testimony of Jesus Christ
 24. Sustaining Those Who are Called to Preside

Lesson topics for the year 2000 - Teachings for Our Times

1.  Strengthening the Family
2.  The Blessings of the Holy Temple
3.  The Atonement of Jesus Christ Brings Hope and Healing
4.  Personal Purity
5.  Bishops--Shepherds of the Flock
6.  Teaching the Doctrines of Jesus Christ
7.  Fostering Self-Reliance
8.  Following the Light of Christ
9.  Setting Our Homes in Order

The other three topics will come from the local Stake President, and one other message from the First Presidency.

Suggested Topics and Activities 2000

The topics and activities listed below may be presented in any order.  Two additional monthly topics and activities are to be determined by the Relief Society presidency with the approval of the bishopric.

1.Topic: Strengthening families

Miniclass subjects: Cooking; teaching the proclamation on the family to your family; marriage and parenting skills.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 15, 20, 22;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 21, 32;
Gospel Principles, chapters 2, 37.
2. Topic: Spiritual development
Miniclass subjects: Home organization and cleaning; Sabbath day observance; honoring the priesthood; scripture study
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 1, 20;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 13, 27, 34;
Gospel Principles, chapter 24.
3. Topic: Increasing patience, faith, and trust
Miniclass subjects: Trial, adversity, and affliction; crocheting; proper diet and exercise; gardening, canning, and preserving food.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 1, 25, 26;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 15, 18.
4. Topic: Balanced lives
Miniclass subjects: Sewing; recreation; money management.
Resource materials: Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lesson 21;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lesson 26.
5. Topic: Temple blessings
Miniclass subjects: Making a celestial environment in your home; effective family home evenings; FamilySearch.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 16, 31, 32;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lesson 20;
Gospel Principles, chapters 36, 38, 40.
6. Topic: Friendship and family ties
Miniclass subjects: Quilting; journal writing and family history; service in the home.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 16, 32;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lesson 19;
Gospel Principles, chapter 40.
7. Topic: Service
Miniclass subjects: Caring for the sick and elderly service in the neighborhood and community; music in your home.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 16, 23, 24;
Gospel Principles, chapters 28, 30; Hymns, ix-x.
8. Topic: Self-reliance
Miniclass subjects: Home maintenance and repair home storage; first aid and emergencies; health and hygiene.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 23, 29;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 18, 22, 23, 24, 27;
Gospel Principles, chapter 29.
9. Topic: Personal and family development and education
Miniclass subjects: Crafts and hobbies; time management; resolving conflicts in the Lord's way; citizenship.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lesson 27;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 18, 32;
Gospel Principles, chapter 34;
"Before I Build a Wall," Ensign, May 1991, 83.
10. Topic: Sacrifice and consecration
Miniclass subjects: Creating a peaceful home; law of tithing; small, anonymous acts of service.
Resource materials:
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part A, lessons 8, 30, 31;
Latter-day Saint Woman, Part B, lessons 6, 28;
Gospel Principles, chapters 26, 32.

Ten topics for Home, Family and Personal Enrichment meetings in 2000

1. Topic: Strengthening families
2. Topic: Spiritual development
3. Topic: Increasing patience, faith, and trust
4. Topic: Balanced lives
5. Topic: Temple blessings
6. Topic: Friendship and family ties7. Topic: Service
8. Topic: Self-reliance
9. Topic: Personal and family development and education
10. Topic: Sacrifice and consecration

____________ from Jane's brain ____________
________ for my sisters in the Gospel ________

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