Humanitarian Specialist Job Description

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Sharon Cambern
Subject: RS: Job Description

Sister we were having the same problem in our ward and it was slowing us down.  I just wrote this Job Description as guide for us to follow.  It is by no means official.  It was written for our ward specifly.  But might be spring board for you to get started and form your own job description.

Humanitarian Specialist    Job Description

The Humanitarian Specialist will be called by the Bishop and shall be set apart as such

Job Description for both the Humanitarian Specialist and Assistant

* Will learn about the Humanitarian Effort in the church
* Shall be knowledgeable about the various needs and provide information to individuals and organizations about the Humanitarian Effort
* Shall function and report the relief Society designee.
* Shall know and catalog the donated gooks from the Ward members
* Shall advertise the needs for the materials needed to complete projects and help individuals select project that need to be completed
* Shall provide patterns and instructions for the various items needed.
* Shall encourage individuals to participate, by letting them know of the need for various tasks that are being undertaken, e.g. patterns that need to be cut out, projects material assembled but not finished, need for items to be cut from wood, e.g. toy cars and trucks, blocks, toy animals, puzzles, games, black board for school kits.
* Teach various skills needed to complete a project, e.g. crocheting for leper bandages, and trim on receiving blankets, sewing simple patterns for clothing to be donated, cutting and sanding of wood items, quilting and assembling the quilt using top, batting and back
* Help individuals to sew together fabrics to piece a quilt.  Teach individuals to tie a quilt
* Teach the international quilting method.
* Shall know of ward members who can teach or demonstrate above skills
* Encourage ward members to donate fabric, batting, wood, yarn and other durable good needed for projects
* Shall spearhead the centered activity and be aware of needed supplies
* Encourage ward members to donate money toward the Ward and the Church wide Humanitarian funds
* Assemble completed projects and deliver them to the stake for shipping to Salt Lake
* Encourage the various organizations in the ward to do individual projects and assist  as needed
* Encourage individuals to do various projects and assist in assembling the various items needed to complete the project.

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