"Teachings of the Presidents" lesson ideas

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Note: I have adjusted the title to "Teachings of the Presidents of the Church" instead of Brigham Young.  Although the following refers only to the "Brigham Young" manual, it applies to all in the series to come.

Brigham Young lesson--long
K. A. Carroll

Dearest Kathy, Laura and all you other BY Teachers: (long--sorry)

Until three weeks ago I also taught the BY lessons after having taught for years in either RS or SS.  These new lessons are challenging, but they also allow a freedom to adapt to our individual ward circumstances that other lessons didn't have.  I was called as the Ed. Counselor and miss teaching these lessons.

I skimmed all the lessons I was to have taught so I have at least a general idea of the topics I was going to be covering.  Then as I found scriptures, stories, or had life experiences that related to each of the lessons, I wrote them either in the manual, or in a notebook which I had divided into each of the lesson topics.  Once I started to be on the lookout for ideas regarding specific topics, I found that there are a lot of wonderful things out there...the key for me was to ALWAYS use the manual as the basis for the lesson and relate anything that I used directly to a quote from Brigham Young or the scriptures.  Brigham Young taught with some very vivid word stories and I would try to illustrate something that he said.

I started my prep for specific lessons by answering all the questions in the back of the chapter, looking up all the scripture references and often looking up the topic in either the Bible Dictionary or the Topical Guide.  Then I try to "liken all things unto  ourselves" by using an object lesson or poem or idea to get the sisters thinking.  Yes, it is tough to get the ball rolling which is why I generally try to use an object lesson pertaining to the topic which the sisters can identify with, then I use many quotes from the lesson (but certainly not all) and as many scripture stories or references as I feel appropriate - especially if there is a scripture that is not specifically referred to in the lesson, but applies just the same. I find by using the scriptures I have the Spirit with me more, so have always relied heavily on scripture quotes in my teaching.

Here is a poem I was going to use for the Dispensation lesson.  I was going to get small sample vials of perfume (from an Avon rep) and hand them out with this. Then I was going to lead the discussion regarding why others may have been sent to this earth at their appointed times using the questions in the back of the chapter. ~~~

Thousands of years ago, scented  oils were brought from afar  and given as fine gifts fit  for Royalty.  Anciently, the fairest gifts  from the newborn King  were oils scented  with frankincense and myrrh.

You were reserved in heaven  and sent to earth at this  time making you part of  the Royal Generation.  Your calling on earth is to help  prepare a people to meet  the Savior at His  Second Coming.    May this scented oil remind you  of your royal decent.  Remember the calling that is  extended to you and return to your Majestic parents on high  with honor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry this has been so long :-)  I love teaching and want you all to know that you really are appreciated and I have a testimony that this new course of study is truly inspired.  When sisters don't respond I have waited for what seems an eternity in silence...but silence will generate a response eventually :-)  As a presidency, we encourage the sisters to study the lessons on their own and tell them we are to "teach one another".  It will take time...we are use to being entertained and perhaps that is one reason this new curriculum was needed hehehe

May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors...you are very special. Love, Kathleen in GA

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