First of all, I would like to thank Sir Yamin bin Kamis a lot for being such supportive in answering and helping me completing this assignment. To be honest, I admit that creating this web design do gives me a lot of patience, and it is not as easy as you see it. I went to www.w3school.com a lot to finds all the information and codes that I need, in order to make my website looks more beautiful and elegant than anyone else. It's an experience that I'll never forget since my home does not have wifi, so it difficults me even more in searching and finding codes via Internet.

This website contain about Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Pontian (PKAYIP) here located in Pontian, Johor. This organization is one of non-profit organization where their purpose to help the people who really needed help and shelter. The purpose I'm doing this website is to fulfill my subject qualification which is IMC456: BASIC WEB DESIGN AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT.

Now, let me tell you why I should get a good and a high mark for this assignment. This is because I sacrifice my time a lot in finding all the codes and compile it to be a website. I went to library and computer lab over and over again to get the internet access since I have no wifi at home. Moreover, I designed my website more elegant than the others (maybe). So, I really hope Sir Yamin soften his heart to give me a good mark for this assignment since I really need to on the Dean List for this semester in order to make my parents proud. Thank you so much for spending your time reading this.


Name:Noremaliza binti Mohmad Jalani
Student ID:2014766949
Group:Elek A
Course code:IMS 456
Course name:Basic Web Design And Content Management
Program code:IM 246
Faculty:Information Management
Submission date:23 December 2016
Published URL:http://www.geocities.ws/pertubuhanpkayip/