-July 7th 1937, China is attacked by the Japaneses stationed in Mandchouria. They enter China and are at Shanghai in November.


-The Japaneses continue their advance in China by following the coast.


-Advance continue as the major railroad of China towards Hanoi is cut.


-The USA starts to fear Japan and so they increase their troops and ships in the Pacific.

-The Japaneses land troops in Indochina, which is controlled by Vichy's French, to increase their power over China.


-In July the Japanese take over Indochina.

-December 7th the Japaneses attack Pearl Harbor and so they are in war against the United States.


-The Japaneses attack all the South-East Pacific: Philippines islands, Indonesia, New-Guinea...

-The counter-attack begins for the Americans: Coral Sea naval battle which prevent the Japaneses of gaining access to Australia; Guadalcanal reoccupied in August by the american Marines.


-The Allied gain power and retake the lands.


-The Japaneses targets the cities East of India but the British are there to fight.

-The battle of the Philippines Sea on June 19th and 20th : the Americans win.

-The battle of the Leyte Gulf in October: the Americans win again.

-The Allied retake Birmania in October.


-The Allied retake Manilla in March.

-Conquest of Iwo Jima February 19th ot March 16th.

-Conquest of Okinawa March 14th to June 22nd.

-Two atomic bombs are dropped on the Japan (Hiroshima and then Nagasaki).

-USSR is in war against Japan on August 8th.

-August 15th Emperor Hirohito officially declares the japanese capitulation.


Pacific Map




-A peaceful expansion of Germany and building of arms.

-Austria is annexed to Germany in March 1938.

-Part of Tchecoslovaquia is annexed to Germany in September 1938.


-All Tchecoslovaquia is occupied.

-France and Britain agree to help Poland in case of evasion.

-September 1st Germany attack Poland and thus France and Britain declare war.


-Blitzkrieg: the Germans rapidly attack West Europe: they conquer Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherland, Belgium and France.

-France signs an peace treaty in June and divide its land in two.

-the Battle of Great Britain: Luftwaffe against Royal Air Force.

-The Italians conquer Egypt in September but then they have to retreat.


-The Germans conquer Yougoslavia and Greece and Crete.

-The Germans attack their allied, the USSR and advance forward to Moscow's door (Barberousse).


-In North Africa the British have to retreat.

-The Germans progress in USSR to Stalingrad.

-In October at El Alamein the British force back the Germans.


-The Soviets counter-attack.

-The Allied conquer Sicilia in July and Italia in September.


-The Soviets progress.

-The Allied land in Normandia June 6th.

-The Battle of the Ardennes happens from December 16th 1944 to January 28th 1945.


-The Americans pass over the Rhin in March.

-Berlin falls on May 1st.

-The Germans capitulate May 8th.

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