Cook Ancestors Thomas and Holly Cook

from Bedford Co, TN to Calloway Co, KY

Cook Main Page / Census Information / Kentucky / Tennessee

Thomas Cook came to Calloway County from Bedford County, TN and was married twice before he married Holly Tucker.  Somehow the Downs family and the John Cook that lived with the Benjamin Downs family are related.  My great-great grandfather was William Rily Downs (son of Benjamin).

Carolyn's relative, Geneva Rose Gross, who lives in Michigan has written a book called "The Cook Family History".  This book is based on the Cook geneology of Thomas Cook. Most of Thomas and Holly's children moved to Stewart County, TN.

Thomas and Holly's children were:

Source:  Carolyn [email protected]

Please contact Carolyn directly about this family.

Do you have Cook Family Information to share? [email protected]  

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