Tennessee Genealogy Links

These links were created as a resource for Cook Researchers searching the State of Tennessee for their Cook

The primary focus for the researchers who started this effort, Carla [email protected] and Pat [email protected] was to break down the brick walls in our family tree research. Along the path we collected lots of information and decided to post it to this web site. Our focus began with the Jackson Purchase Area of Kentucky and has expanded further east into Kentucky and south into Tennessee.

Census Records - Marriages - Researchers - sorted by county. Some of these pages are still under development, please check often for updates! Tennessee Cook Family Research posted to this site:  Moved to the Census Page - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4375/cookcens.html 

Tennessee Information (not on this site)

Hundreds of Cooks are waiting on these pages to be discovered. But more importantly - to become a premier site, we need more data. Kentucky and Tennessee Census data is a number one priority.

How to contribute to this site: You may e-mail Cook census data or family "group" sheets as an attachment or in the body of the e-mail. If you send information as an attachment other than html - the very best way to do this is in plain text format. You can type up the data in windows notepad or wordpad and attach the file to your e-mail. This makes it much easier to cut and paste into a web page. Make sure that you include your e-mail or name and address in the attachment so that you get credit for your work and to make sure that folks who click on that page and find a match, can find you instead of me. The Submit Guidelines are in development - please let me know what you think of them.


Rocky Top! Wish that I was on ol’ Rocky Top, down in the Tennessee hills; Ain’t no smoggy smoke on Rocky Top; Ain’t no telephone bills; Once I had a girl on Rocky Top; Half bear, other half cat; Wild as a mink, but sweet as soda pop, I still dream about that; Once two strangers climbed ol’ Rocky Top, lookin’ for a moonshine still; Strangers ain’t come down from Rocky Top; Reckon they never will; Corn won’t grow at all on Rocky Top; Dirt’s too rocky by far; That’s why all the folks on Rocky Top get their corn from a jar; I’ve had years of cramped-up city life Trapped like a duck in a pen; All I know is it’s a pity life Can’t be simple again. Chorus Rocky Top, you’ll always be home sweet home to me; Good ol’ Rocky Top; Rocky Top, Tennessee; Rocky Top, Tennessee.

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Do you have some Cook Family Data that you can provide? Pat Ray Scheele

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