
-o0o-Top 10 Players-o0o-

#10 Chris Young Let’s assume Chris Young, the outfielder for the Arizona Diamondbacks, search requests are fueled by marvel at his 2007 rookie campaign where he stole over 25 bases and hit over 30 home runs (and had 68 RBI, which seems impressively low considering at minimum 32 were from home runs alone). Furthermore the search results for a promising talent who hasn’t hit over .260 in his career are lackluster. Or perhaps resurging 6’10” Met’s pitcher Chris Young, who is coming off extensive shoulder surgery, is padding the search stats a bit. Even baseballreference.com confuses the two by listing stories for the Shawn Bradley-like Chris Young on the Chris Brown-like Chris Young’s historical statistics page. Perhaps that must mean with their powers combined they have reached the coveted Top 10.

#9 Bryce Harper The Once and Future King of Washington is the talk of the town and the talk of Bing. Yet search results for the 19 year old All Star outfielder are dominated by his GQ interview from earlier in the year that is littered with quotes like “It hurts like a dick” and “It was an ‘eff you’ from the mouth”. Pair that with a photo from the same article and I’m surprised that his remaining search results don’t begin with a prompt to confirm you are over 18 years old due to mature content.

#8 Tim Lincecum Two Cy Young awards, four All Star appearances, a World Series ring, and a unique pitching style may attribute to Lincecum’s internet popularity. Starting 2012 with a win-loss record of 3-9 and an ERA over 6 might be another. Giants’ fans are loyal to players who may be under immense pressure due to remarkable past performance though, and there shouldn’t be too much concern over Tim’s slow start unless his hat size doubles and he parks a few into McCovey Cove.

#7 Jorge Posada Perhaps the retired catcher has a strong searchable record due to a storied 17 year career as a pillar for the Pinstripes. Or perhaps it’s because Bing users want to see his 2011 stats (.235 14HRs 44RBI) and compare them with current backstop Russell Martin this season (.179 8HR 21RBI). If that were the case its surprising Jim Leyritz isn’t #8 on this list.

#6 Ryan Braun Last Fall Ryan Braun pee’d in a cup and a man took it home and left it on his desk for the weekend. While that sounds like the beginning of story about a deranged stalker or that Robin Williams movie where he works at a photo place and looks like a senior citizen Eminem, it’s the reason Braun’s suspension for testing positive for a high level of testosterone was overturned. Hopefully this Fall Ryan pee’s on weekdays.

#5 Mariano Rivera The Greatest Closer of All Time finds his way on the list most likely due to his dominant career statistics, devastating recent knee injury, and remarkable on-field composure. I’m sure if he were a Kansas City Royal he’d receive the same attention. Regardless, he’s second only to Derek Jeter in Nielson’s ranking of most marketable active MLB players, so I imagine if they combine forces in a commercial I’ll just mail my wallet to the brand they promote.

#4 Josh Hamilton While Hollywood producers have remade, rebooted, and re-spewed every film that’s ever made a profit, they would need to look no further than Texas Ranger outfielder Josh Hamilton if they’d like to cash in on a modern day form of Robert Redford’s The Natural. I just used Bing to find out they are. Terrific.

#3 Alex Rodriguez The Tabloid Hall of Famer. Whether it’s the fact that he’s on pace to hit over 700 home runs, earn over $400 million dollars in career salary, or star in over 14 thousand degrading stories regarding everything from steroid use, a crush on Bing’s #1 searched man (surely a 1995 Tigerbeat subscriber), or dating an assortment of women ranging from call girls to Madonna (so just call girls then), Arod is truly a one man Bing show.

#2 Albert Pujols While his last name receives all the attention, partly because it’s incredibly recognizable and partly because it sounds like what a toddler calls the place where his “accidents” occur, if you had to guess the first name of one of the greatest hitters of all time would be chances are you wouldn’t choose “Albert”. “Alberto” still strikes fear in pitchers as a man amongst boys, and while his early struggles in the City of Angels may attribute to his search ranking, I’d like to see what Bing could dig up regarding the whispers he’s not his stated 32 years old but rather he’s actually 1970’s Cincinnati Reds first basemen Tony Perez.

#1 Derek Jeter There was a time when we could chalk up the number of Bing searches for The Captain to love struck teenage girls, and while the first ballot Hall of Famer is the “Clooney” of America’s pastime, this isn’t Mariah Carey’s Derek Jeter anymore. The shortstop broke into the bigs in ’95 when he could’ve shared the cover of Teenbeat with Jonathan Taylor Thomas, appealing to female admirers who were also likely enthralled by Bryan Adams and making sure they fed their Tomagotchi. Those same admirers are feeding their 401k retirement funds these days, yet ‘El Capitan’ remains the visible ambassador for the game of baseball and an ideal candidate to topple Kevin Bacon in the Six Degrees of…” conversation; “Six Degrees of Derek Jeter Girlfriends”.

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