My  Oriental Firebellied Toads, Tree Frogs and Their Vivariums
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See my Bumblebee Toads here!
My Oriental Firebelly Toads are housed in a 29 gallon vivarium.  This vivarium was made using the wire mesh made to hang drywall.  It cuts fairly easily and can be bent into shape.  Just make sure you wear heavy duty gloves when working with it to protect your hands!  I cut my land area larger than what I wanted and bent it up in the back left corner.  I've covered all the raw edges with the clear aquarium tubing (cut down the center) and fixed it on with aquarium sealant.  I then used one large piece of driftwood to elevate it where I wanted, and another piece of driftwood to hide the front edge.  My water pump is positioned under the land area, but it is far enough off the bottom of the tank that I can easily reach it.  I also have a water filter in the back right corner, a water heater and a fogger (cut-off to take the photo).

The bottom of this vivarium has two goldfish and houses a total of 4 fire belly toads.

I made my water feature by pulling the water pumps hose up the back left corner and adding slate.  This works very well in this tank and the water trickles down the left side and produces a nice sound also.
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Water Feature
Firebelly toad waiting for dinner to hop by!
My Tree Frogs are housed in a 10 gallon vivarium that I made with the dry wall wire mesh.  I cut the mesh wider than the aquarium and bent the back section up to form the land area.  To give it stability, I used aquarium sealant to position pieces of plumbers pipe to the bottom.  I then cut out the entire back left corner to house my water pump and still be able to reach it.  I then covered the entire thing (including the pump) with wire screen.  I covered my hole with a piece of slate and filled in the cracks with moss.  Across the front (where the water meets the land area), I added more slate to acheive the look I wanted.  My water feature is nothing more than a peice of driftwood with the water pump hose at the top.  It produces a nice water flow and sounds great, too.
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Pump access corner
Water Feature
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