"Palestinians" = LIES

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"palestinians", History

ISRAEL or "palestine" Which is it?

Jerusalem, FACTS

'palestinians' in Israel, natives or ALIENS?

History & Meaning palestine, "palestinians"

Biblical/Historical Facts about the Land

Multimedia/ Videos

"Palestinian" Rocks - Infant stoning victim dies of wounds

"Palestinian" FAKE Photos & Videos INDUSTRY

The ?al-Aqsa Intifada? ? An Engineered Tragedy [How many of the 'Palestinians' were/are really unarmed]

Again HUMANE & Super- restrained Israel only attacks terrorists after warning to civilians for evacuate

Common belief expressed by 'human-rights' groups and others, is that Israel?s response to the current situation has been overly excessive.? Many see Israeli soldiers battling Palestinian children with rocks and slingshots, and the incongruence is obvious. ?Yet, when one looks at Israeli actions, especially in comparison to past military actions of other nations, the Israeli army is very much restraining itself rather than being excessive.

Extreme Restraint

When one determines the number of conflicts that have occurred between Palestinians and Israelis within the last 11 months, the number of casualties is quite minimal.? An army that wanted to use force could obviously wound and kill hundreds of people at a time.? Yet the statistics show that a few hundred Palestinians have been killed in 10,000?s of conflict situations.? Amazingly, the statistics show that less than one person has even been injured per incident!

The Israeli army has attempted to find state-of-the-art riot control weapons.? They have sent groups of experts to tour every single country in the world, which has non-lethal weapon capabilities -- 26 different countries and military organizations. They found that no non-lethal weapons systems exist which are effective over 100 meters.? Currently, Israel is attempting to create these capabilities themselves.?

In addition, the idea that the Israeli army is facing harmless children is misleading.? The Palestinian riot takes a familiar course, in that only at first do children alone throw rocks and other debris.? Soon Molotov cocktails and other deadly objects are thrown into the mix, until ultimately live gunfire begins from behind the younger rock-throwers.? While even rocks can severely injure and kill (as they have), once bullets, grenades, mortars and other heavy weaponry become involved, it is clear that the Israeli soldiers are in a dangerous war-like situation.? After months of conflict, the majority of incidents are now between armed Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.? Yet, as we?ve seen, the number of killed and wounded has been minimal on the Palestinian side.? Surely there have been innocent injured and even killed, but these accidents have been minimal and the Israeli government has always expressed regret.? Also, most of these accidents have occurred because civilians find themselves in the middle of confrontation begun by Palestinian terrorists.

On the front lines of this "intifada," Israeli soldiers have orders not to shoot unless they are in direct danger. Israeli soldiers are told never shoot at an ambulance or at women. Unless the Palestinians begin shooting first with live bullets, Israeli soldiers are instructed never to shoot to kill, and then, to aim only at the source of the shooting, never randomly. No other army has such restrained orders.

Compared to the World

When compared to past events where other nations have had to deal with similar situations that the Israeli army has faced, it is clear that Israel has shown extreme restraint.? When the British tried to control a similar Palestinian uprising, the Arab revolt of 1936-1939, entire villages were burned and more than 3,000 Palestinians were killed.

During "Black September" when Palestinians rioted in Jordan in the 1970s, King Hussein massacred 2,500 Palestinians in 10 days. Likewise, Syrian President Assad slaughtered 20,000 of his own people during civil unrest in Hama, then paved over the dead -- a toll that the Israel intifada would need 100 years to match.

The following are three other scenarios Israel has found itself in, which parallel instances other nations have dealt with.


?A mass demonstration, which includes gunmen, shooting live ammunition.


In Somalia during 1993, a rebel militia group attacked an unarmed US construction crew.? Masses of unarmed spectators surrounded the altercation.? The US representatives of the UN forces responded by sending Cobra helicopters, firing anti-tank missiles and 20-mm rounds at the crowd who came to see the shooting.? ?Everyone on the ground in the vicinity was a combatant because they meant to do us harm?(UN spokesman).? Nearly 100 people were killed in one afternoon.


During the recent violence, Palestinians gunmen are shooting live ammunition at Israeli soldiers, using demonstrators on the front lines as cover.? These demonstrators themselves are armed with mass amounts of rocks and Molotov cocktails, which is by itself worthy of military response, according to the Geneva Convention.? Yet, Israeli army policy is to use rubber coated steel pellets against these demonstrators, in an attempt to avoid causing deaths and serious injuries.


An army has the possibility to extricate an injured soldier, caught within the line of fire.


Again in Somalia, on October 3, 1993, militiamen shot down 2 US/UN Cobra helicopters.? Refusing to abandon the dead body trapped in the wreckage of one of the helicopters, US/UN forces instead formed a perimeter around the crash site, and called for reinforcements.? The soldiers were assaulted by militiamen armed with AK-47s and RPGs.? The attempts to hold this position caused massive casualties, killing 300-500 people and injuring at least 1000.


At Joseph?s Tomb in Nablus, early on during the current violence, an Israeli soldier was seriously wounded by gunfire.? The Israeli army requested to Palestinian forces to allow his evacuation, but were refused.? Senior Israeli army commanders ignored pleas from the other trapped soldiers that the injured soldier was dying.? The army chose not to employ nearby armored forces to rescue the soldier, stating later that they ?wanted to avoid escalation?.? Instead, Israel protected Palestinian lives by not attempting to extricate the wounded soldier, who after four hours, bled to death.


A response to captured soldiers being killed by their captors.


In Panama, in 1989, four unarmed American Marines encountered a military roadblock, after taking a wrong turn.? Panamanian soldiers opened fire when the Marines attempted to flee.? One soldier was killed and another was wounded.? In response to this attack on American soldiers, which President Bush described as ?an enormous outrage?, the US invaded Panama with 20,000 soldiers.? ?60 Minutes? reported that 4000 people were killed.


In Ramallah, during the current violence, two Israeli reserve soldiers were captured by Palestinian police, after taking a wrong turn.? The soldiers fell into the hands of an attacking mob, both being lynched.? In response, Israel gave the Palestinians three hours notice that certain buildings would be attacked.? After the three hours had passed, Israeli helicopters fired warning shots, followed by missiles at the buildings Palestinians had been warned to evacuate.? The attacks resulted in no deaths and few injuries.??

Re: The Lying 'stone throwers' images:
When was the last time the BIAS media CARED to explain that FIRST Israelis try to shoot RUBBER BULLET, until felt in danger?

Shall we start listing the massive victims wounded/killed by those ROCKS?

We see the ARMED SOLDIER guns shooting (Not explained it's rubber ones) against the "poor" Arab kid, and we're (yet) not even talking about the adult shooters behind the HUMAN SHIELDS kids...


The Myth of Israel Using Excessive Force

M. Roth

Children are dying in the Mideast riots. Who's to blame?

FACT: Israeli military reaction has been one of incomparable restraint. After the brutal lynching of two Israelis in Ramallah, Israel limited its response to bombing one floor of the headquarters of the negligent Ramallah police, the radio station that had been broadcasting incitement to violence, and two targets in Gaza. Israelis gave a 3-hour warning, to allow Palestinians to evacuate; indeed, no one was killed. Similarly, following the recent torching of an ancient synagogue in Jericho, Israel's only response was to bomb a military training school.

On the front lines of this "intifada," Israeli soldiers have orders not to shoot unless they are in direct danger. Israeli soldiers are told never shoot at an ambulance or at women. Unless the Palestinians begin shooting first with live bullets, Israeli soldiers are instructed never to shoot to kill, and then, to aim only at the source of the shooting, never randomly. No other army has such restrained orders.

As the world decries the 100 Palestinian deaths, no one stops to ask how many would be dead if Israeli forces were actually doing what they are accused of -- shooting indiscriminately into crowds with automatic weapons. If that were the case, many thousands of Palestinians would be dead.

But what about Palestinians youth who have been tragically killed in the fighting?

What kind of parent encourages children to go to the front lines to throw stones and firebombs at armed troops?! Palestinians know that Israelis are reluctant to shoot at children; and if a child does wind up getting killed, it makes for excellent anti-Israel propaganda.

Children are taught in school the heroics of dying as a martyr for the Palestinian cause. The Jerusalem Post reported that the Palestinian Authority is encouraging children to participate in clashes by offering their families $300 per injury and $2,000 for anyone killed. How tragic that Palestinians send their children at risk of death and then cynically use this against Israel in the court of world opinion.

But perhaps Israel should not be using force at all to stop the violence?

The BBC recently asked a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council if Arafat truly had the power to stop the mob violence. He replied that it probably could not be done without exerting fatal force on the rioters. Given that reality, how can the world possibly expect Israel to stop the violence without such force?

It is the duty of any government to protect its citizens from violence. Imagine what the response would be if this violence was occurring to any other country. When the British tried to control the last Palestinian intifada, the Arab revolt of 1936-1939, entire villages were burned and more than 3,000 Palestinians were killed.

During "Black September" when Palestinians rioted in Jordan in the 1970s, King Hussein massacred 2,500 Palestinians in 10 days. Likewise, Syrian President Assad slaughtered 20,000 of his own people during civil unrest in Hama, then paved over the dead -- a toll that the Israel intifada would need 100 years to match.


Again HUMANE & Super- restrained Israel only attacks terrorists after warning to civilians for evacuate

Cox & Forkum: Disproportionate Response http://www.coxandforkum.com/archives/000889.html

Restraint after suicide blast in Israel,The army said the fugitives had drawn pistols before they were shot. ... Israeli officials had said they would show restraint in military operations - World News - MSNBC.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6379588/

Israel's Humane Army - Israel Update http://www.aish.com/Israel/articles/Israels_Humane_Army.asp

Israel's restraint in case of an attack could harm its deterrent http://www.tau.ac.il/jcss/sa/v1n2p1_n.html

Racist Islamo Arab Terrorist Leader Warns Only ARABS to Evacuate; Media Who Condemned Similar Non-Racist Warnings From Israel Say Nothing http://ginacobb.typepad.com/gina_cobb/2006/08/racist_terroris.html

http://www.israelnewsagency.com/palestinechildterrorismisrael88480521.html Israel Tears For Palestine Child

http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0806/kay081006.php3?printer_friendly Jonathan Kay: How Israel fights --- What the media does NOT report, humane methods

IDF ordered not to change Gaza RESTRAINT policy (DESPITE TERROR ATTACK)Jerusalem Post, Israel - Despite Monday's suicide attack in Eilat, the government will maintain its policy of restraint in Gaza.

"Palst." -Terrorists Use
Another Ambulance
This time A UN's

Earlier Cases Use
of Ambulances
For Terror

Arabian Apartheid,
Wall and More...

Guilty 'Palstn' Teachers
And Parents, Why Their
Children Die

Their Criminal Use
Of Human Shields
Why their Civilians Die

Their Heinous Use
Of their Kids
as Human Bombs

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