Palena Logo


Palena is a Guatemalan based company. The history of our Panela (whole sugar cane) dates back since 1800, when the ancestors of Palena discovered their passion for such a noble product. As this is now the fourth generation, we want to share this passion with the upcoming generations so that our dear panela can be recognized not only for the purity and craft work that it involves, but also for all the qualities in terms of minerals, vitamins and energy it contains.

Our Mission

To make a tradition of having around some panela to sweeten our coffee every day, that is our mission.


Why is Panela the best choice?

The high content of mineral salts represents benefits for the harmonious development of the human body. The consumption of panela helps to reach the nutritional levels that are appropriate and required for the good functioning of our organism, this way the calcium aids in healthy teeth and stronger bones; iron prevents anemia, phosphorus preserves bones and metabolism of fat and potassium, which is essential for the maintenance of the extracellular fluid balance. It improves the heart rate and it is involved in the regulation of nerve and muscle excitability.