Review – Cozmetyx “Thighroid” demo


This demo has occupied price of place in the Sounds from the Street library since November, partly because of a particular link between the programme and the band who appeared on a predecessor show in 1993. Since that appearance we have been waiting on new material whose delay has been cause by the departure of a few key members.


But the pride of place is taken up mainly due to its being a damned fine demo. New vocalist Kellie James (ex Toxic Blonde) needs superlatives not able to be used on public radio but even those won’t do justice to her vocal delivery and very obvious presence. The other new member, bassist Peter Lloyd, is shown in a very bad light during Train and Kiss My Arse but is substantially redeemed elsewhere.


Side 1 contains previously unavailable material which kicks along with a sound that is just as dated as refreshingly new. Side 2 contains re-recordings of some 1993 demos done obviously to realize Kellie’s abilities.


The only other let-down is that this beautifully and professionally presented demo was on tape – budgetary restraints I guess. But contact John Robb here at the station on Mondays from 9:30pm to find out how you can get hold of “Thighroid” the demo.


In two words: bloody great! Cozmetyx “Thighroid” demo gets ««««Ύ

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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