After all of our prayers, and after all of the libations have been pured, all sit in anxiety, awaiting the "climax" of the parties of the Loas, Possesion Of The Horses. They are called "horses", because when a Loa takes possesion of a persons body, the are said to be "riden" by that Loa. Thus came the name of the horses. when the Loa arives, the body of the horse apears to be under an atack of epilepsi, seeing as how their bodies begin to shake violently, and stoping the feet vigorously. It is known the the Loa "is in head" when the Loa gives the general greeting they give to all: "Bonswa A La Societ�!", meaning, "Good Evening to the Society". This is the moment most awited in the parties of the Loas. Already present, the Loa will beging to consult those present, but fist shaking thier hands in the way the Loas do it: First with the left hand and crossing the right one over it. Then, while still holding hands, the Loa will tap shoulders with the person He/She is greeting. Again first the left, then the right, and again the left. Afterwards, the Loa will begin to consult the "vivos" meaning "the living" (as the Loas call us people. Seeing as how the are spirits, and we, well, we're living!). In these spiritual consultations, the Loas will tell the people about their luck, love life, financial matters, their health, and any other questions the person may have.

While in trance, the horse finds his/her self "ridden" by the Loa, thus he/she will take on the characteristics of the Loa. In doing so, the body of the horse may find its self taking on in-humaine stregth. Aswell as acting acordingly to the sex of the Loa in head, regardless of the sex of the horse its self! This may include: change in voice, way of walking, physical appearence, aswell as wearing the clothing of the Loa, which will undoubtingly be according to the sex of the Loa. For example Anaisa Py� may take possesion of the worlds most "macho man", but if she is truely in head, he will ack very feminen and quite possibly end up dansing for and/or with the other men present at the party!

The same goes for a woman. It may be that she is NOT attracted to other women at all! Yet if the Loa Ghuede for example, takes possesion of her, she will dance with the other women present. And possibly whind up making fun of her "koko" (kr�yol word for vagina).

Even though this "change" in sexes may occur, those present never confuse the horses to be "massisi" (ofensive kr�yol word for homosexuals). One has great understanding that it is not the horse anymore, but the Loa that took possesion of their head.


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