Orked Corporation







Orked Corporation was started and continues to growth, with one purpose to provide a complete range of Information Technology services to the global business community, from the most cost – effective global business community, from the most cost-effective globallocations, giving the highest qualitative and financial value to our customers. Starting with data processing over 2 years ago, future corporation offers 14 different IT services today, ranging from relatively simple to the most complex process.

Our workforce comprises a variety of skilled individuals with extensive domain knowledge, from design graduates to post graduate engineer to the business managers. Our customers reap the benefits of our 99% success rate in project handling. Orked Corporation teams offer plug and play benefits with mitigated risk, accountability, transparency and a Single Point of Contact.

Our first successful digitization project was finally be public. Now student of Sekolah Menengah Convent Klang can see their old magazine school at the website.

We hope from this first project, Our company can digitize many more paper based material into a system.


No matter what the industry, or if the consumers of digital and media assets are internal or external to an organization, there are ever increasing expectations that content will be available anytime, anywhere and on any device.

If you don't believe that people want access to content anywhere and at anytime, just watch the people around you on the bus, subway, or train...or on a college campus or in an airport...or at a cafe.  If you are not creating content that can be viewed/used on multiple devices, you may become irrelevant.