
Fantasy| Science Fiction| Characters| Self Portrait| Special| Christmas| Misc| Bases

This is Saralyn a character at Ice Shadow Dolls made for a contest there. Brae's unsual outfit. Brae's formal outfit. Brae's casual outfit. Brae, a character from my story Trainee Angel, in a normal outfit, a formal outfit and a unsual outfit.(She's called Quinette in the story atm) This is Verryn for a contest at Ice Shadow Dolls, also the sprite the doll is based on is copyrighted by Ice Shadow Dolls. Chii a character from the anime Chobits, wearing a outfit I designed. Chii a charater from chobits, and awww look she's drawing Ara with a wonderful leaf outfit. Keeley a character from my story Trainee Angel. Legolas Cinderella during the ball. Cinderella before the ball. And Ara again. She 's animated too so her eyes are on fire. Eva again, but animated this time.
This is my second doll, Evanthe. She is an early conception of a character in my story 'Sauron a Girl?'. Evanthe is a half-elven, who is called Eva for short. This is my first doll, Xantara. She is an early conception of a character in my story 'Sauron a Girl?'. Xantara is kind of a combination of all the elements, and is also known as Ara.
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