H. G. Wells the Man and the Author
  Work |Author |Draper |Journalist |School Master

Assistant School Master

Wells' first experience teaching was at Midhurst where he also took classes. Wells taught grammar at Midhurst and even though he did not like it when his teachers were strict, he was strict with his class. To stay a grammar teacher Wells had to join the Church of England and much to his disapproval he did join.

When H. G. Wells was 21 he went to a small country town in Wales to be an assistant school master. Wells was able to get the job because his lack of a degree would be overlooked in a small town's school. The conditions in the school that he taught in were horrible along with the conditions of the town. Wells did, however, meet a young pretty school teacher whom he began to court and who made him very happy. Wells' stay at his teaching job was cut short when he suffered a shattered kidney while playing football and moved back home to recover.

A while after Wells recovered, he began to go to employment agencies to try and find work. Wells found a job at a private school near London called Henley House School. He was paid 60 pounds a year with room and board. Henley House School was a very luxurious private school and all the students there where children of professional men. Wells was very strict with his students and taught them well.

To marry Isabel, Wells had to have enough money so he could convince her that they would have a stable marriage. Every Pound that Wells made brought him closer to marriage with Isabel so in the summer of 1889 he received a diploma from the College of Preceptors for passing an examination in intermediate science. As soon as he passed his exam, Wells had his salary raised and his hours of teaching cut at Henley House School.

When Wells was looking around for some more money, he received a communication from Mr. Briggs at University Correspondence College. Wells was promised two pounds a week for the time being and a full-time job when a position opened. After a short holiday at Up Park, Wells began to do some work for Mr. Briggs. Wells' first task was to write a text on biology from a model built by Mr. Briggs. Wells' students at the University Correspondence College did extremely well and he was paid very handsomely for his good work. In light of his success Wells opened a bank account for his new found wealth.

Wells found a friend, Walter Low, to help him with Mr. Briggs's work and together they brought out a publicity magazine for the University Correspondence College called "The University Correspondent." Wells learned a great deal from Walter Low because unlike himself Low started life out easy but the fell upon hard times.

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