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Year 1000 BC
Celts inhabit Danube basin. Finno-Ugrian people originate from somewhere between the middle Volga and the Urals, probably near the Kama river. Eventually the Ugrians split from the Finns. Finno-Ugrians are skilled in pottery making, weaving, and spinning. They breed livestock, till the land with hoes, breed horses. Ugrian hunters exchanged furs, textile, metal, and glass products. Property accumulation and stratification of society by wealth are furthered by animal husbandry and agriculture. Ugrians begin to use bronze and iron. Hunting of fur bearing animals dominates over agriculture and livestock breeding.

500 BC
Ugrians separate into 2 branches-present day Ugrians and the ancestors of the Hungarians the Magyars. Hungarians, now a separate group, fall under the control of a number of successive empires, finally under the tribal rule of the Khazars who establish an imperial hierarchy—the clan system. Nomadic Turks begin to move into the region. Hungarians transition from being hunters, fisherman, and stock breeders to nomadic herdsmen. Hungarian-inhabited area extends to the middle reaches of the Volga. Tribal organization develops within the framework of the nomadic empires of the Pontic Steppes.

35 BC
Roman armies of Julius Caesar conquer region.

14 BC
Region becomes part of Roman Empire known as Pannonia. Buda is established. Pannonia is eastern frontier of Roman Empire. Acquincum is established.

433 AD
Attila becomes King of the Huns. The army is very large and capable of conducting siege operations which other Barbarian armies are not. One of the most feared and notorious barbarians of all time, Attila is believed to be of distant Mongol stock. He ravaged much of the European continent during the 5th century. He was known as the “Scourge of God,” From the year 433, Attila shared the throne with his brother Bleda, but killed him in 445. Some of the greatest cities of Europe were sacked and burned: Rheims, Mainz, Strasbourg, Cologne, Worms, and Trier. Paris was spared. An unsuccessful campaign in Persia was followed in 441 by an invasion of the Eastern Roman empire, the success of which emboldened him to invade the West. He passed unhindered through Austria and Germany, across the Rhine into Gaul. When he entered the Rhine he is said to have had and army of somewhere between 300,000-700,000. By 447, Attila devastates the whole region between the Black and the Mediterranean seas. He defeats the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II, but is not able to take Constantinople. In 451 he was met on the Plains of Chalons by the allied Romans who overcame the Huns and averted the peril that menaced Western civilization. Turning then to Italy, in the spring of 452, he laid waste to many Lombard cities, and was approaching Rome, and was met by an embassy, including Pope Leo I- which dissuaded Attila from the sacking the city.

Attila the Hun dies. Ends period of marauding through Europe.

Hungarians leave the area of the Urals along the Volga and Caspian Sea. After several hundred years of wandering they reach Carpathian Basin.

Clan system gives way to the federation of the seven tribes. Most leaders are of Khazar descent.

Hungarian leaders separate completely from Khazar ties. Hungarians begin migration in second half of century, invade Carpathian Basin and take over land formerly held by Slavs. Hungarians maraud and attack armies of Carolingian empire. King Arnulf (Western Europe) offers 7 tribes land if they help him fight off enemies. Arpad is chosen as leader of the 7 tribes and leads tribes across mountains into what is now Eastern Europe. Slave influence advances agriculture. Successful raids and attacks result in annual payments from German and Italian rulers, creating wealth for Hungarian warriors. After death of German King Henry, Hungarians again began conquests , reaching Atlantic seaboard, Mediterranean coast and the Bosphorus. Byzantine emperer, German and Italian princes making annual payments to Hungarians to avoid attacks.

Conquest of Hungary by Magyars is completed. Under the leadership of Arpad, the Hungarian tribes settle in the Carpathian Basin, driving out some, absorbing other inhabitants.

Hungarian leader Bulcsu taken prisoner and hanged at Augsburg by army of princes of Otto 1. End of marauding campaigns in the West. Increasing power of clan chiefs weakens tribal organization, leading to development of feudal state. Struggle of supremacy among tribal chiefs is won by a descendent of Arpad.

Benedictine Monks establish monastery at Pannonhalma. The abbey is the oldest standing building in Hungary,

Prince Geza (Father of Stephen) organizes Hungary as a feudal feudal state. Continues expansionist policy of ancestors. Makes peace with German emperor, asking him to send Christian missionaries, but still tolerated paganism. Old order chiefs support revolt against Stephen, supporting Koppany. Stephen’s German knights kill Koppany. Pagan resistance to Christianity remains strong among those who lost power in the transition to feudal society..

On Christmas Day, Stephen ascends to throne with crown from Pope Sylvester II, receiving approval from Emperer Otto III. Hungarian kingdom and nation is born. Stephen establishes current counties and establishes feudal class rule. Stepehn is married to German princess, Gisella. Nation moves from being semi-nomadic to animal breeding and agriculture.

Stephen dies. Designates Peter Orseolo, a nephew, as his successor (his own son was dead and another nephew Vaszeley had plotted to overthrow him). As punishment, Vaszely was blinded and molten lead poured in his ears. Peter ascends to throne. Stephen is canonized 45 years \after his death.

Peter Orseolo is king.

Stephen’s brother-in-law, Samuel Aba drives out Peter and has himself crowned king.

Aba is assassinated fleeing from Emperor Henry III. Peter reoccupies throne and takes oath of fealty to Henry III.

Peter is killed. Andrew is king from 1046-1060,

Abbey at Tihany established. A foundation charter was drawn up on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, the earliest written record in Hungarian.

Accession of Bela. Of Stephen’s cousin Vaszely’s three sons, two will become kings: Andrew and Bela. Andrew is asked to return from exile and become king. He has married Anasztazia of Kiev. His brother Bela, with a Polish army, defeats Andrew who falls from his carriage and is trampled to death by the horses. He is buried in the Tihany monastery cemetery.

Bela dies in an accident when the throne collapses during a meeting of various leaders.

Bela’s nephew Salamon (Andrew’s son) becomes king. Salamon is defeated by Bela’s sons Geza and Laszlo. Prince Geza appeals to Pope Gregory VII for support. Pope asks for total submission. Geza refuses and has himself crowned with a crown from the Emporer of Byzantium.

Geza is king. Geza marries twice. Nothing is known about his first wife. The second is a Greek princess. They have two sons, Kalman and Akos.

Laszlo, brother of Geza, is king. Laszlo who helped defeat Salamon and have Geza crowned, is now himself king.

Nobles sign “Golden Bull” defining the Hungarian nation.

Elizabeth (daughter of Hungarian King Andrew II and his wife Gertrude) is canonized. Elizabeth, widowed during the crusades, spends her life caring for the sick and poor, founding a hospital in honor of St. Francis. St. Elizabeth of Hungary is the patron of Catholic charities.

Period of Mongol invasions. In 1241 Mongolian Tatars devastate the country. Their presence lasts a year, halting development for at least a century.

Mongol invasion sweeps through Hungary in last wave of great migration.

Ottomans begin invasion into Byzantine Empire.

Andrew II, last of Arpad’s line dies.

1301-1387 Anjou /Dynasty
Ends period of near anarchy, constant struggles with rivals for throne. Hungary flourishes under a succession of ruler beginning with Charles Robert (Anjou prince of Naples), followed by his son Nagy Lajos (Louis the Great, under whom the kindom expands to Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Seas), and culminating with Matthias Corvinus.


Luxembourg Dynasty Zsigmond of Luxembourg is King and Holy Roman Emperor.

Beginning of Ottoman Turk invasions. Ottomans were nomadic people from central Asia who took over the remanants of the Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople. Constantinople falls (1453), becomes Istanbul, capital of Ottoman Emp Empire. Byzantine (Christian) institutions become overlaid with Islamic and Turkisk customs. The empire peaks under Sultan Suleiman I (1520-1566).

Hunyadi Janos fends off Turks for decades, finally stopping them at Nandofeher, preventing the Turkish advance into Western Europe. In honor of his heroic defense at Nandofehervar (Belgrade today), Pope Calixtus III called Hungary the “Shield of Christianity” and decreed the bells be run every day at noon in Catholic countries all over the world. Hunyadi dies in 1456.

King Matthias rules. Organizes Black Army. Matthias is first Hungarian on the throne since 1301, the extinction of the House of Arpad. Cultural life flourishes in his palaces at Buda and Visegrad. Matthias valued the arts, sciences, architecture. He ordered the renovations of buildings, churches, set up the first Hungarian press and the Corvin library. Under Matthias, Hungary became one of the most powerful nations in Europe. He died at 47, without accomplishing his dream of eliminating the Turkish threat forever.

Matthias dies. Anarchy follows. The High Nobles refuse to support Matthias’ son John Corvin as king fearing that he will continue his father’s policy of taxation. A foreign king, Louis II, from the House of Jagello, comes to rule over Hungary. 1490-1526 Jagello Dynasty. Matthias is succeeded by Vladislav who is unable to lead effectively.

25 day siege of Sopron by 60,000 Turks.

Hungary’s weakened army is crushed by Ottoman Turks at defeat at Mohacs. Hungarian king is killed in the battle. Nation begins downward spiral. Occupation lasts 150 years.

Royal seat of Buda falls. Country split into 3 parts: Habsburgs/Turkish/Transylvania.

Battle of Lepanto. Naval forces from Spain and Venice defeat Turks slowing expansion into Europe, and ending it entirely in 1683 through a victory of Austrian and Polish troops at Vienna. From there, the empire enters a very slow (250 year) decline, ending as part of the end of World War I.

Buda freed from Turks by Germans after 145 years. Castle and Buda completely destroyed in 3 month battle. Hungarians not allowed in Buda afterwards, only Germans.

Turks driven out by Austrians. Country becomes province of Habsburg empire. Hungary blossoms but wishes for independence.

The uprising of Ferenc Rakoczy II was the first attempt to win back the country’s independence since the expulsion of the Turks. The rebels defeated the Imperial army several times, but did not receive promised French support, and failed.

Kossuth asks U.S. for help against Austria, but is unsuccessful. Austrian government attacks Hungarian army.

Under Kossuth Lajos, Hungary declares independence, but Austria launches armed attack on Hungary in order to crush the revolution. Independent Hungarian army succeeds in holding off the attack, and surrenders only when Austrians bring in help from imperial Russian troops. Hungarian Diet pressured to revolutionary demands including liberation of serfs, equality before the law, freedom of the press and an independent Hungarian government. Brutal reprisals from Austria, absolutism reinstated.

Compromise of 1867—dual monarchy established. Austria the Empire and Hungary the Kingdom. Constant military skirmishes led to compromise. Emperor Franz Josef and Empress Elizabeth become monarchs. 1867-1914 become Golden Years of Budapest. A capitalistic economic structure developed and significant foreign capital was invested in Hungary.

Buda/Obuda/Pest officially united as Budapest.

WWI ends, Germany and its allies, including the Austro-Hungarian Mondarchy lose, the monarchy disintegrates.

Hungarian Communists seize power. Communists overthrown 5 months later by troops from Romania.

Treaty of Saint Germain-in-Laye separates Austria and Hungary.

Treaty of Trianon--Hungary loses 2/3 of its territory. 1920-30 Silver Age of Budapest. Loss of land means loss of valuable access to raw materials.

Germany concludes treaties in Munich and Vienna, according to which Southern Slovakia and Northern Transylvania were returned to Hungary.

Hungary (under Horthy) enters WWII on side of Germans and Italians, hoping to regain land after victory.

German forces occupy the country. Hungarians suffer grave losses on the Soviet Front. At the end of the war, Fascists take over. After an unsuccessful attempt to pull out of the war, the extreme right wing Arrow-Cross Party comes to power. This is the low ebb in Hungary’s history.

New Hungarian government formed in Debrecen, in Eastern part of the country.

First free elections held. Six parties take part.

Hungary proclaimed as a republic.

Rigged elections bring communists to power. Only 2 parties left to oppose Communists who were getting help from Moscow. One party system is established.

Hungarian government signs the Paris Peace Treaty, restoring the 1938 Trianon borders.

Uprising against Communists leaves thousands dead. Janos Kadar begins reforms. Hungary becomes richest nation in region.

Collapse of communism leads to Republic of Hungary. October 23 Hungary renamed the Republic of Hungary.

Free elections, the Hungarian Democratic Forum winning by a large majority. Soviet army leaves Hungary. Jozsef Antall, the party’s chairman formed the new government which was sworn in on May 23.

1993 Jozsef Antall dies. Peter Boross, becomes new Prime Minister.

Hungarian Socialist Party wins a majority and forms coalition government with the Alliance of Free Democrats.

Hungary joins NATO.

Hungary joins EU

50 year anniversary of 1956 revolution celebrated with violence.


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