Warnings and Entrance!

Last updated: 8-25-03

Ok. First up. If you aren't 18 years old, most of the stuff here you aren't old enough to see. For some odd reason folks think kids shouldn't be exposed to "situations" involving homosexuals.

Hence, if you're under age, I'm asking you to leave. I don't want to get yelled at by geocities and you don't want your parents yelling at you or spamming me saying I corrupted their darling child. I'm not going to bother doing the little click-the-hidden-door to prove you read this warning just to get to the fic page. It's a waste of my time and an insult to your intelligence.

Come on now, if you can find your way here that's kinda a moot point.

Should you proceed anyway in spite of my warnings, at least have the smarts not to get caught? Delete the history, have a "safe" window open so you can quickly flip over to it and for Pete's sake, don't read if your uptight, closed minded parents/friends/relatives are in the room!

It's not like I myself don't use the computer late at night to make sure I don't have to explain the stories I write to my mom and sister. Lets face it, some people just don't understand why folks wanna read this stuff. *shrugs*

On the other hand, if your 18, cool! Feel free to poke around. Everything is either 1+2/2+1 or 3+4/4+3 or 1x2/2x1 or 3x4/4x3. I have *gasp* two R+D+R. I like those pairings. Most of the stories that I write are with those pairings.

Now. If you are from any big company looking for someone to sue so you can get more money you're barking up the wrong tree. I have no money and and it's all done in the name of fandom! Cheers!


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There have been Counter delinquents here writing on the walls. Didn't they do a nifty coloring job?

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