The Cyber Dwelling of a Canaanite Pagan
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Canaanite Pagan Prayers
Original materials on this page are copyright � OpenHands 2005.

These are prayers that I've created with ideas and inspiration from various sources.  Some are more traditional and are pieced together from the ancient texts.  Others are distinctly non-traditional. 

Please feel free to take what you like for your own practices, but
do not post them elsewhere.  I've used some translations from ancient texts and those portions are not mine.  Copyright laws apply.

The general prayers allow the names of gods to be substituted for whatever names fit best. What I have below are examples and you are welcome to change them around to suit yourself.

These prayers for national well-being/ personal well-being can be as long or as short as one would like.  The first three lines could be a short prayer in itself.  To make it longer, just add the names of more gods that you would like to specifically call. 

Prayer for National Well-being**

Give well-being, O gods,
Well-being for our nation,
Well-being for its people.

Give well-being, Father Ilu,
Well-being for our nation,
Well-being for its people.

Give well-being, Athirat the Creatress,
Well-being for our nation,
Well-being for its people.

Give well-being, Prince Ba�al,
Well-being for our nation,
Well-being for its people.

Give well-being, O Children of Ilu
Well-being for our nation,
Well-being for its people.
Prayer for Personal Well-being**

Give well-being, O gods,
Well-being for [name],
Well-being for his house.

Give well-being, Father of Humanity,
Well-being for [name],
Well-being for his house.

Give well-being, Anat the Girl,
Well-being for [name],
Well-being for his house.

Give well-being, Great Light Shapsu,
Well-being for [name],
Well-being for his house.

Give well-being, Assembly of Ilu,
Well-being for [name]
Well-being for his house.

**Based on translations by:

Pardee, D. (2002).  Ritual and Cult at Ugarit.  Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature.

Parker, S. B. (1997). Ugaritic narrative poetry.  Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature.
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