The Cyber Dwelling of a Canaanite Pagan
General Pagan Websites
These are links to more general sites that don't cater to a specific religion.  If you like a website and want to learn more, be sure to visit their links section for additional resources.  If you're interested in networking, try my forums and e-lists pages.

Annwn's Cauldron
A useful resource for the magical purposes of plants and stones, thoughtful essays, book recommendations, and witchcraft lessons.

The Cauldron
This is a great place to find essays, book reviews, humor, beginner information, and more on a variety of pagan religions. 

College Wicca
Pagan students of all varieties may find this resource helpful.  Get tips about roommates, dorm rules, handling discrimination, starting pagan groups, and ways to find other pagan students on campus.

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature     NEW
A massive collection of literature from ancient Mesopotamia with fantastic search engines, biographical information, a choice between translations and transliterations, and much more.

Encyclopedia Mythica
A database to look up basic information on gods, heros, myths, legends, and mythical creatures.  It also offers images and pantheon genealogies.  A fairly decent resource to begin research.

A creative website full of interesting articles, crafts, cute merchandise, and information on Slavic paganism.

Into the Land of the Phae
Lots of thoughtful articles, book reviews, signature designs, and some witchy information.

The Juggler
A group pagan blog that never runs out of opinions and issues on a diverse number of issues.  Interactive too.
A website that helps people organize and find local interest groups.  The groups are quite varied and range from meetups for tarot enthusiasts to pagan parenting groups.  Check out the site to see if there's a pagan interest group meeting up in your area.

Nine Lives, Many Masters
A witty comic about the adventures of a feline familiar dealing with the flakier side of paganism and witchcraft.

Oh My Gods!
A humorous pagan comic strip.

Reconstructionist Paganism Overview
A succinct outline describing the reconstructionist methodology in PDF format. 

Sacred Texts

An impressive collection of sacred religious texts and mythologies published in the beginning of the 20th century or earlier.

Theoi Project     NEW
"a comprehensive guide to the Gods (Theoi), Spirits (Daimones) and Monsters (Theres) of ancient Greek mythology and religion", Theoi Project has an impressive amount of information layed out on a clean and well-organized website.

The Witches' Voice
Also known as Witchvox, this is a large and active site that offers networking for pagans and witches.  Find out about local events, shops, classes, and groups in your area.  A huge number of essays, poems, news articles, and more can be found here (geared more toward Wicca and earth-based paths).
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Contact me at:
[email protected]
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