The Cyber Dwelling of a Canaanite Pagan
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Canaanite Myth Retellings
From the great epics to the shorter tales, Canaanite mythology is both fascinating and full of informative tidbits that are vital to modern Canaanite pagans.  Wading through broken and awkward translations does not make for smooth reading though. This can be especially off-putting to the average reader who wishes to cut to the heart of the myth without the gaps and footnotes. 
My solution is to blend modern phrase with brief quotes from the translations into an engaging retelling.  This creates a summarized story that is smoother and clearer without losing the essence of the tale. 


The tale of a Canaanite king's quest for an heir. 

A young man's fateful encounter with a
hot-tempered goddess and the consequences
of his actions.

Shorter Myths

The Betrothal of Yarikh and Nikkal   (NEW)
A marriage between two ancient Near Eastern moon deities.

More to come soon!
Image of Ilu/El blessing a mortal king.  Image courtesy of
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