JCalendarCombo | JCascadedPane | JDirectoryDialog | Split It

JCascadedPane is a Swing GUI library which enables the Java developers to incorporate cascaded panes facility into their applications. The library essentially consists of just two Classes - JPanelGroup & JCascadedPane. JPanelGroup is a simple Swings Container which holds number of Cascaded Panes at a single instance and at the same time handles the functionality and events generated by these panes. JCascadedPanes, on the other hand holds various child panels or components and act as a Cascaded Pane itself. Whenever user clicks JCascadedPane title the child component of that particular pane is displayed on the JPanelGroup. Below are the few screen shots of the Cascaded Panes created using JCascadedPane library. To download the JCascadedPane Library and Documentation simply click here. If you have any further questions, comments or suggestions, post 'em to [email protected].

JPanelGroup holding three JCascadedPane Objects in Java Look And Feel. Also notice the child tabbed pane holding JTree.
JPanelGroup with third JCascadedPane selected in Windows Look And Feel. Also notice the child panel holding two panels.
JPanelGroup with second JCascadedPane selected in Kunststoff Look And Feel. Also notice the child JTabbed Pane.

Creative Commons License
JCascadedPane is licensed under a Creative Commons License.  

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