Stablemate Scale Customs

All my breyer stablemate and stone chips customs and anything else plastic and SM scale. They are abit out of order time wise, the newest ones are at the bottom and the oldest ones kinda in the middle.

Remade Old Mold Morgan Mare, new sculpted mane, shown in her cremello phase she has since been repainted to a black and white tobiano. She's shown wearing a tiny little circus costume I made for her. Owned by G. Wheeler.
Etched New Mold Warmblood, owned by ? Live show placed.
Evening Rain
New Mold Paso repaint. Owned by H.Sayers
New Mold Shire repaint, fixed to a custom base for stability. Owned by H.Sayers.
Old Mold Silky Sulivan with his head tucked and a slightly mettalic bay paint job. Owned by H. Sayers
Unknown make plastic jumping repaint. Was just mucking about with paint but she came up quite well so I put her picture up!
New Mold Shire remade to a dragon horse complete with hand made wings (not resin cast), sculpted scaling, spine ridge and face plate. He was painted a garish purple colour and managed to place at a live show, he has since been repainted to a smarter black and purple and placed at a live again. Owned by...
New Mold Morgan remade to a Dragon Horse, this one has resin wings, sclpted scaling, spinal ridge and face plate. Placed live.
Stone Chips Andalucian repainted to mulberry grey. Live show placed.
Benevolent Dictator
New Mold Rearing Arab repainted to a dark bay, last owned by G.Wheeler
New Mols ASB repainted to a mettalic grey and white tobiano, last owned by G.Wheeler.
New Mold TB repainted to a black and white splash pinto, last owned by G.Wheeler
New Mold QH repainted to a dark bay with plaited mohair mane and tail
New Mold Andalusian repainted to a striking leopard appaloosa pattern with haloed spots.
New Mold Pony repainted to chestnut, cheeky expression on his face!
New Mold Paso repainted to a buckskin pinto with mapped markings.
I got bored, I had a Silky Sulivan body and though hmmmmmmmm what can I do and this is the result. Old Mold Silky Sulivan remade to a very leisurly canter, painted bright bay and rehaired with mohair.
Seductor OD
New Mold Andalusian remade to standing, one ear flicked foreward, repainted dark bay. This has to be one of my fav customs to date, he has such lovely eyes.
Breyer Scratching foal repainted to a plains zebra, live show winner and photo show champ.
Stone Chips Stock Horse repaint to black leopard spotted appy. Live show placed in both halter and performance.
Toy Soldier
leaping foal repaint, owned by?
Trotting foal repaint. Live show placed and MEC qualified, owned by G. Wheeler.
Too Tima
New mold WB remake. Owned by G. Wheeler
Stone Chips Morgan Repaint, live show placed.
Odin and Thor
Stone Chips drafter rehair and repaints to matching friesian crosses, I did these two to go with a beautiful little landau and the set has placed at live show. Owned by Kat Bailey.
Stone chips arab repaint to a sun burnt black. SOLD
Breyer Old Mold QH remade then painted bay roan, live show placed in performance. Owned by G. Wheeler.
Breyer Old Mold Seabiscuit with a head tuck and a new chestnut paint job. I think he has been live show placed. Owned by G. Wheeler
Breyer New Mold ASB with head raised (repositioning by G. Wheeler) then repainted a very dark brown and white tobaino and rehaired with mohair. Owned by G. Wheeler
Breyer old mold Citation repainted to a brown leopard spotted appaloosa.

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