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Duduk (kiri ke kanan) Marcus Manto, P/Sgt Yeong Eng Yak, Encik Chan Beng Tuan, PRK Yii Ah Ling, Encik Koh Kwai Hong, PRM Abdul Rashid Ismail, Teh Thean Yew.


Mr Chan Beng Tuan
Mr Koh Kwai Hong
JUO Rashid Ismail
SUO Yii Ah Ling
P/Sgt Yeong Eng Yak
Marcus Manto
Teh Thean Yew

We started off the year by giving free tuition classes in Maths, Science and English. The students range from Standard Five to Form Three. The classes were conducted on Sunday from 0900 - 1130 hrs. We also set up food stalls during various occasions with the aim of raising our funds.

When a fire broke out at Kampung Sentosa, Batu 6, Jalan Kelang Lama in which twenty families were involved, the Society helped to collect donations from the staff of RMC for the fire victims. The Society also organised an 'odd Job Day' on 18th June 1978. It was carried throughout the RMC Campus and the 2 Div areas. The collection from the donors for the services rendered amounted to $523.15 - a record sum since this activity was first introduced.

All collections made by the Society throughout the year are utilised for the betterment of the boys' welfare. We plan to equip the Boys' Recreation Room when the construction is completed.

It is hoped that with more active participation from the boys the Society would be able to carry out its planned activities with greater success in the future.

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