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Duduk (kiri ke kanan): PRM Foong See Kit, PRM Lai Seow Kee, Encik Liew Pong Kwai, Leong Hon Mun.
Berdiri (kiri ke kanan): P/SGT Au Chai Onn, Teh Thean Yew, Tan Tow Kin, Tan Kwan Hwa.

Mr Liew Peng Kwai
Mr Han Seng Kuang
PRM Lai Siew Khee
Leong Hon Mun
Tan Kuan Hwa
P/Sgt Au Chai Onn

The Buddhist Discussion Group consists of 65 members. Meeting are conducted every Friday to enable its members to:-
engage in discussions in order to have a better understanding of Buddhism and other religious.
develop confidence in public speaking.
give their opinions so as to improve the Society's activities.
sing Buddhist Hymns.

Every Sunday, interested putras attend the Buddhist Service at the Brickfields Buddhist Temple. During the second term, we had a talk on Christianity by Mr Simon Lai, the Adviser to the Christian Fellowship. In future, we hope to invite more guest speakers from Buddhist and other religious organisations to give us talks in order to better understand Buddhism, i.e., through a comparative approach.

During the first week of the third term, a team from TV took some cine-shots of our Group during our usual Friday activity. We hope this will further boast our Group's activities.

We are very fortunate to receive chronicles, articles, pamphlets and magazines from various Buddhist organisations throughout Malaysia as well as from Japan. Thus our members are keeping trend of the various Buddhist activities, outside the College.

JUO Foong See Kit participated in the Dharma Course held in Malacca during the April holidays. He was able to further enlighten our members on the deeper aspects of Buddhism on his return. We hope to participate in more of such Dharma courses.

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