Crucifixion The Christian Conscience

On-Site Articles

Life or Death - by Archbishop Eusebius J. Beltran - An article printed in the October 8, 2000 issue of the Sooner Catholic regarding the horrors of the RU-486 pill.

For Whom The Bell Tolls - A grassroots movement that is designed to bring attention to the opposition of the death penalty.

On the execution of Timothy McVeigh - by Bud Welch - A powerful statement issued by Bud Welch, whose daughter died in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Zenit Articles on the Death Penalty - A series of three articles printed by Zenit News Agency, and reprinted with permission on this website.

On Human Embryos and Stem Cell Research - An Appeal for Legally and Ethically Responsible Science and Public Policy

A Vaccination for Michael - A chilling piece of fiction. A must read.

Reflections or a Rant on Six Billion - A rebuttal to an emotional outburst from the SecWeb promoting the falacious myth called "overpopulation", and how this is all the fault of a single man, named Pope John Paul II.

Important Links

Priests for Life - A Pro-Life Catholic Clergy organization which places a special emphasis on the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church.

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform - Hard hitting but 100% factual anti-abortion organization, they have done a good job of showing the population exactly what abortion is all about.

The Catholic Worker - A link to The Catholic Worker Movement, founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933. It is grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person.

Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty - Link to OCADP. Please take the time to visit this important Oklahoman website.

Couple to Couple League - Couple to Couple League is the website of Natural Family Planning. A better alternative than unnatural methods of birth control.

Salt of the Earth - Claretian Publications - Online Social Justice Magazine.

Habitat for Humanity - International - Habitat for Humanity. A worldwide organization that strives to build houses for low income families.

The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics - A national coalition of researchers, health care professionals, bioethicists, legal professionals, and others dedicated to the promotion of scientific research and health care which does no harm to human life.

Birth Choice of Oklahoma - A pro-life organization found in the state of Oklahoma.

Just Peace - Compendium of Social Justice writings placed on the web by the Oscar Romero Catholic Worker House of OKC

Important Off-site Articles & Prayers

In death penalty debate, what's best done in remembrance of Jesus? - by Camille D'Arienzo - Article from National Catholic Reporter October 9, 1998 Issue.

Would Jesus pull the switch? - by Sister Helen Prejean - Article from SALT of the Earth, Claretian Publications 1997.

Prayer for the Sanctity of Life

Prayer for Social Justice

White Ribbon Campaign - Pro-Life
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