Last SupperThe Christian Conscience

For Whom the Bells Toll

According to Charlie Sullivan, Director of Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE), a grassroots criminal justice reform organization, Bishop Walter Sullivan of Richmond, Virginia, has asked the churches in his diocese to toll the church bells on each day of any execution in Virginia. That initiative, it seems, is modeled after a similar effort by Jamie Cardinal Sin of the Philippines.

The program, For Whom the Bells Toll, encourages all religious congregations, churches, synagogues, abbeys, monasteries, mosques, and temples throughout the country to toll their bells for 2 minutes at 6:00 p.m. on the day of any execution. Although some may not have bells, a black drape could be placed over the outside door of the building and/or ribbons could be tied around the trees and utility poles surrounding the church, synagogue, abbey, monastery, mosques, and temple.

The concept seems so simple, but has enormous potential. On the one hand, it would cost nothing to participate. A few dedicated people could administer the program. At the same time, it would give members inspiration to discuss the congregation's position on the death penalty. And it would make a statement to the community: State- sanctioned murder is wrong and should be stopped.

Those interested in more information about the campaign may contact me at the address below:

Dorothy Briggs, O.P.
For Whom The Bells Toll
P.O. Box 2736
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-2736
email: [email protected]

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