Kristi Yamaguchi - Good ice skater but married a hakujin* ice skater. Okama smells rice chasing on Kristy's cracKKKer hubby.
Lance Ito - Famous judge's claim to fame involves the infamous African-American football player-cum-Naked Gun actor who is always seen playing golf lately. Married to a whitey wife (Ito is, OJ was), and hence a rare instance of reverse rice chasing (RCC for short).
Anne Namba - Designer of really expen$ive clothes for celebrities. Anne may design beautiful clothes for wimmin', but she ugly and sure has been beaten more than once with an ugly stick.
Kent Nagano - Composer of serial music, the kind of $h!t that seems to go on forever like a bad movie.
Norman Mineta - Secretary of Transportation. Enuf said. This is one nip high up in da gov'ment.
George Takei - Gay actor, as reported by an Okama confidant and former Washington DC intern who went to UCLA School of Law. She told me that at an Asian American awards ceremony in DC that Mr. Takei's (known as 'Mr. Sulu' [cue deep throbbing voice - "Welcome aboard, captain."] in the original Star Trek series) limo driver had told her of this news to ObR's gay-Tariban delight.
Pat Morita - Karate Kid master. Has also starred in some tofu commercials. Okama doesn't know if having the skill of catching flies with chopsticks has sold more tofu. Wax on, wax off!
Rob Fukuzaki - Sports caster for ABC (channel 7) in Los Angeles at 5, 6, and 11 PM. As Okama knows nothing about conventional sports (Okama is only into water sports. No, not the conventional kind. GSA - Golden Shower Attack!!!)
Ellison Onizuka - One of the seven unfortunate astronauts aboard the space shuttle Challenger who never came back home to tell about it. Okama is sad. This unfortunate explosion spawned many tasteless jokes like "What does NASA stand for now? - Need Another Seven Astronauts." Puh-leeze. (This rigmarole was written pre-Columbia accident and ObR did not mean to offend the offended)
Mike Honda - San Jose politician. Father of autocratic UCLA NSU taiko (JAPanese drums) ex-leader, Mark Honda during the first half of the 1990s. Mark (the son), took intense pride in running the NSU taiko group to the ground with clockwork precision and military-style oppression. His dictatorial demeanor during his tenure at NSU taiko is second only to tyrants such as North Korean president Kim Il Jung and Hitler.
Daniel Inouye - Senator of Hawaii. Served in the U.S. Army 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Lost an arm during WWII. Investigated the Watergate hubbub. Okama has nuttin' on this honourable Oriental bloke.

* Whitey

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