Mortimer Stories Index
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01. The baby. How Mortimer saved the baby in the well.

02. The kittens. The time Mortimer acted strange and stole food.

03. Death of the coyote. The time Uncle Loren killed the coyote in the hen house.

04. The Animal Crackers. The time Mortimer solved the great Wilson Animal Cracker heist.

05. Bull Snake in hen house. The time the bull snake ate an egg on both sides of the knot hole.

06. The Halloween Pumpkin. The time Mortimer solved the disappearing Halloween Pumpkin crime.

07. Skull rock. The time Mortimer found all the snakes in skull rock.

08. Mortimer's revenge. How Mortimer got even with the Bestrip boys for letting the snakes go.

09. The tornado. How Mortimer saved Carl and his mother after the tornado destroyed the restaurant.

10. The date. The time the snapping turtle got Mona Gayle Arthur's braces.

11. Mortimer's disguise. The time Mortimer fooled the coyote that robbed chickens from the hen house.

12. The kidnapper. The time Mortimer solved the kidnapping of Marvel Osburg.

13. The wax people. The time Mortimer discovered a transmogrification chamber under the wheat field.

14. The skeleton. The time Mortimer solved the 'skeleton in chains at the cemetery' crime.

15. Mortimer the engineer. How Mortimer fixed the old radio.

16. Mortimer the great. How Mortimer fooled the viscious neighbor dogs (the dogs of war).

17. Kansas' mistake. How Mortimer saved the state of Kansas from a grevious error.

18. Mortimer breaks his leg. How Mortimer saved the lamb from being eaten by the coyote.


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