Hobbies is one thing to do to release stress and making alot of memories !

Hobby is a recreational activity that is done in spare time to relax a person. The aim is to meet the interests hobby and pleasure, not a return. There are various types of hobbies such as cooking, swimming, reading books, playing and so forth.

Everyone has their own hobbies. I also have my own hobbies. My hobby is reading books. I like to read different types of reading materials such as magazines, newspapers, novels and story books. By reading, we can master the vocabulary. I have spent twenty novels at home. I love to collect and read novels especially romance novels. I would buy a novel every month. Voucher books given I use to buy the novel.

Novels I also like to play bowling with family and friends. My father was good at bowling. I learned to play from her since high school. I often participate in bowling competition between schools in Kuantan. Fun and relaxed feeling while playing bowling can help me feel more relaxed and energized. When can bring down all ten pins, I feel very happy and problems plaguing also missing.In addition to relieving stress, bowling can nourish the body. When swinging hands when you want to throw a ball, stretching and flexibility of muscles felt involve ligaments, muscles, and joints helping hand slims the arms of the other arm. Bowling for 30 minutes can help me get rid of 130 calories in the body. Bowling can also help me to better focus on the target. So, if we can also improve the continuous progress and skills in everyday things. Bowling can also help improve the balance of the body. If the body is not balanced, we can slip on the track bowling and will be embarrassed.

NovelsIn addition, I often do my hobby when I have free time. For example, before bedtime, afternoon, and when there is no work to be done immediately. I share this hobby with my mother. He also bought the novel for my collection. In my opinion, reading a good novel even for us because we can comprehend the situation they are in need or know someone properties. By reading, we can imagine and perhaps imagination is going to be driving for us to succeed. I started reading novels when I was in primary six.

I was influenced by a friend who always brings the novel to class. Since then, I started to borrow a novel of his own friends before buying. The first novel I read was the Damia Hana �Bicara HAti�. Now I collect the writings of Siti Rosmizah, Aisya Sofea and many more. I have almost all issues Siti Rosmizah novel. Its interesting storyline makes me more interested to read the novel.

SurfingApart from reading, I like to surf the internet. I like to surf the internet as over the Internet, we can connect with friends and find information about inside and outside the country. Sophisticated world now makes people not get out of surfing the internet. This is because all the information is disseminated through the internet. Even the internet faster compared to the spread of television and radio.

Development of information technology and communication currently causing widely used internet facilities. Internet is the largest communications network in the world. I have a laptop and a smartphone, so it is not difficult for me to surf the internet. With some of his sophisticated gadgets, I do not need to go to the computer center to surf the internet. Before I had these gadgets, parents have sent me to the computer class to learn basic computer skills. Since high school, I was already adept at using computers. Kindness is like surfing the internet can fill the spare time. It also helps me in learning. Next, we can interact with each other through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. I usually surf the internet on a daily basis. In my free time, my time is spent surfing the internet. With the internet, we can access a variety of information easily, fast and up to date. I often watch the video on the internet such as in Youtube. there are a lot of interesting video uploaded in the youtube. it is a fun thing to watch the others videos. I also followed my favourite artist through Youtube. Youtube always keep the video up-to-date so I will know the new thing about them. I will share one of the video that i like to watch and I watch this very very often.

Enjoy watching the video peeps !!