

Hellsing is just--pure fun in a very visceral and violent sense.  I laughed so hard through out this Anime series that I'm surprised I didn't bust a gut or something????  The humour of this series is dark and sometimes a bit shocking...but it's so fun!

Hellsing is about Alucard (that's Dracula spelled backwards?!?), who is, well, a vampire.  And Alucard is "employed" by Integra Wingates Hellsing, (actually she is his human master) who runs the Hellsing institute...the organization that controls and protects the mundane humans from all the bad monsters out there...and there are monsters.  Alucard is one of them (but he's a good guy)

Good and bad roles seem to be kind of reversed in this series.  Alucard who is a vampire monster is a good guy (kind of like the gangster coming to the shopkeepers aid) while Paladin Alexander Anderson who is a member of the Catholic church and a dedicated Vampire Hunter seems to be an evil twisted piece of filth in comparison oh, and a bad I said... It's upside down.

Early on in this series, Alucard has to save officer Seras Victoria from a Vampire attack by turning her into a vampire.  (Which in a sense means he has to kill her to save her), oddly enough Seras remains a cop with Alucard showing up occasionally to help his "child" through the rough spots.  Seras is a good girl.

Alucard's and Integra have an interesting co-dependency...each showing how one needs the other (it's not love though).  There is a more father-daughter co-dependency with Alucard and Seras (being that he "sired" her).  There is also a strange pull between Alucard and Paladin...kind of playful deadly serious will kill you dead enemies...but all in good fun and let's do this again tomorrow.  

Paladin, in his own way is as super human as Alucard is super inhuman.  Paladin, seems indestructible, taking record breaking punishment...and coming back for more.  

Like I said this story is all twisted, with good guys and bad guys sometimes being combined in the same character.

Format: 13 episodes (TV anime), Genre: Horror/comedy

Rating: 8/10

The art work for this series is very good.  I'm trying to think what it might be reminiscent of and I think that the roundness of the character's faces may have a vague similarity to Full Metal Alchemist, that of course is all the similarity there is as FMA is a very different series with a completely different theme.  The backgrounds and details and sets are all very well done, the big guns and the really big guns are amazing and the blood and gore is quite over the top and occasionally downright extreme....which is why you have to's just to funny not too.
Rating: 9/10


The opening Track "COOL" is just, the track is in English (sort of) and fits the anime.   The music for Hellsing was right on, matched the anime perfectly.  (I loved the opening track so much that I had to own track!)

Rating: 9/10



The characters are all, definitely, individual.  There is no chance of confusing say...Alucard for Paladin or Integra for Seras.  Alucard is a strange duck, he comes across as sort of wild and strange, with red eyes, crazy hair and far out clothing.  I love his broad rimmed hat and those Lennon glasses he likes to wear, for the most part Alucard is too disturbing to be considered good-looking... but occasionally something in him shifts and suddenly you see that he can be damn fine looking indeed.  Integra is kind of butch...I didn't even know that she was a girl for a few episodes...I mean, her voice was feminine but her manner of dress and appearance was so masculine that I thought she was a pretty boy... DAMN WAS I WRONG!  (No Boy's love in this one--booo!) Seras is a pretty bouncy breasted thing who likes to tote big guns around.  Paladin is just...ugly, big...and ugly.  I don't like him...what can I say?!
Rating: 10/10
Personal Note:

I thoroughly enjoyed Hellsing, it was so funny (maybe the over the top and graphic violence tickled my funny bone to keep me from digressing into morbid shock and horror?), this show is like a funny horror file...which lets face it is the best kind of horror film...scared out of your pants and laughing so hard at the same time your wondering if you will die of fright before you die laughing.  Love this anime.  Watch this anime.  Buy this anime.

Rating Score:


Availability: Hellsing is available in DVD format in the USA and CANADA.  It is in English dubbed and in Japanese/w English subtitles.

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