At A Glance...


AFI & Sesshoumaru

Tom Riddle

Yami Bakura


Christmas: Seto and Mokuba

Places to go and people to see...

Into the Depths Of Bams' Mind

Blue's Site

~*...Hanyou Dreams...*~

Official AFI website

My quiz results


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�Freaky, 2004. This layout was made by my friend, Rosie aka Freaky aka Kagome. EXCEPT for the wonderful picture which was made by yours truly, Katie aka Katiekins aka Rin. All the pictures I aqcuired are from galleries. yadda yadda yadda. The pictures of AFI are not owned by me, but by themselves. The lyrics are from the song Of Greetings and Goodbyes. by AFI

Despair Faction March 27, 2005
Faerie Wars
Should be doing: erm...
Listens/Watches:Fukai Mori
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind!-POTO

Happy Easter one and all!

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionMarch 21, 2005
Hunter's League & Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire & The Books Of Magic: Lost Places
Should be doing: erm...
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind!-POTO

So. Do you ever feel as if you just know what your feelings towards someone are? Like you're absolutely sure?

Yeah, neither have I.

But, I have been completely unsure of my feelings and then suddenly it becomes blatantly clear because of something they've said. Yeah, so basically, I have no idea what to do.

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair Faction March 19, 2005
Hunter's League & Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Should be doing: erm...
Listens/Watches:Phantom of the Opera soundtrack
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind!-POTO

Wow. It's been ages since I've last updated. So, I saw the Ring 2 with Libby today, and well, it was pretty good. The first one was scarier, but ignore the fact that I jumped just as many times as Libby screamed. ^^

Now, however, I keep glancing over my shoulder every few minutes or so...just to be safe...

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionMarch 4, 2005
Amber and Ashes, A School For Sorcerey, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Mood:pretty good
Should be doing: erm...
Wishes:that there were more clear nights like this one
Listens/Watches:Something There Before-Beauty and the Beast
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind!-POTO

Good evening! Yes, yes, I know...three books...What can I say? ^^

Anyways, I have loads of homework this weekend. It's just dreadful really. It's the damn weekend and I still have assignments. Oh well.

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionFebruary 26, 2005
Amber and Ashes
Mood:pretty good
Should be doing: erm...
Wishes:that there were more clear nights like this one
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is here, inside your mind!-POTO

Hello! It's been quite some time since I last updated, so I felt compelled to update once again. Well, I'm here at my aunt's house right now. Her computer is super-speedy. I'm going to hate going back home to my somewhat-slow one. *sniffle* Ah well. All good things must come to an end, eh?

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionFebruary 12, 2005
Rakkety Tam
Should be doing: erm...
Wishes:that I did better on my english test
Listens/Watches:The Real Folk Blues
Random QuoteThe Phantom of the Opera is here, inside your mind!-POTO

Finally! I finally saw The Phantom of the Opera! Granted, I read the book about five months ago, but this is one of the rare times that I enjoyed the movie more-so than the book. Honestly, it was just amazing. I can't wait for it to come out on video so I can buy it and watch it over and over and over! ^^

Have a lovely night one and all!

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionFebruary 11, 2005
Rakkety Tam
Should be doing: erm...
Wishes:that I did better on my english test
Listens/Watches:Simple and Clean by Hikaru Utada
Random QuoteThere was a weeping, I carried down today, a sigh worth keeping. Deep within divinity let's start another secret show.
Of Greetings and Goodbyes-AFI

Hello! So, has anyone besides me realized how insanely awesome Kramer from Seinfeld is? Well if you haven't, he is. Seriously. Kramer is the best ever. I don't really know why, but he is.

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

Despair FactionFebruary 7, 2005
Rakkety Tam
Should be doing: Completing my newspaper articles
Wishes:that all goes well with my scheduling process
Listens/Watches:Santa Carla by Tiger Army
Random QuoteThere was a weeping, I carried down today, a sigh worth keeping. Deep within divinity let's start another secret show.
Of Greetings and Goodbyes-AFI

A new layout! Finally! *scattered applause* Actually, I made this layout quite a few months ago, but, I haven't had the chance to actually make a "new layout" seeing as how I lack paintshop at the moment, so this one is up now. I really kind of like it. With the lights forming a star, I think it really accents the lyrics that I chose. Mmm hmm. *admires her work*

Anyways, I'm really super excited about scheduling all of my classes for highschool. It's only six months and some days away. *starts counting down on calandar* I feel pretty optimistic about how it's getting along so far. I'm just so excited!

- Capn' Ketoms

A Fire Inside...

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