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Jade fan! (AFI)Adam fan! (AFI) Davey fan! (AFI) Hunter fan! (AFI) Now The World fan!The Cure fan! Johnny fan! Meg fan! Kramer is the ASSMAN Frank: A true gentleman underneath that gruff exterior. Eurhg? Hugh fan!Oh, Colin, you make me giggle. <3 Drew fan!Ian McKellen, how I love you.Keira fan!Eyeliner fan! Lipgloss fan! I <3 frock coats. AFI band tees fan! Knee-high socks fan!Moonlight Path scent fan! (Bath & Body Works)Love Spellscent fan! (Victoria's Secret) Acting fan! Fantasy art fan! Inuyasha series fan!I <3 Sesshoumaru. (Inuyasha) Tenseiga fan! (Inuyasha)Tokijin fan! (Inuyasha)Meant to be.Kagome fan! (Inuyasha)Inuyasha fan! (Aww, I want to play with his ears!) Tetsusaiga fan! (Inuyasha)Unknown love...Sango fan! (Inuyasha) Miroku!  You lustful priest, you. (Inuyasha) Kouga & Ayame <3 Ayame fan! (Inuyasha) Kouga fan! (Inuyasha) Shippou fan! (Inuyasha) Buyo fan! (Inuyasha)Fukai Mori song fan! (Inuyasha) Rin fan! (Inuyasha)Naraku fan! (Inuyasha) Kikyou fan! (Inuyasha)Aww!Who shall reign supreme?Who shall emerge victorious?  *waves Sesshoumaru flag*  Escaflowne series fan! I <3 Allen! (Escaflowne) Van Fanel fan! (Escaflowne) Hitomi fan! (Escaflowne)Millerna fan! (Escaflowne) Merle fan!(Escaflowne) Folkien fan! (Escaflowne) Dilandau fan! (Escaflowne) Yugioh series fan! I <3 Yami Bakura!(Yugioh) Marik Ishtar fan!(Yugioh)Brothers: Seto and Mokuba Kaiba (Yugioh)Seto and Shizuka fan!(Yugioh) Seto Kaiba fan!(Yugioh) Mokuba Kaiba fan!(Yugioh) Yami Yugi fan! (Yugioh) Anzu fan! (Yugioh)Duke Devlin fan! (Yugioh) Joey Wheeler fan! (Yugioh)Shizuka fan! (Yugioh) Brother & Sister: Joey and Shizuka! (Yugioh)Shadi fan! (Yugioh) Pharaoh Atemu fan! (Yugioh) Isis fan! (Yugioh) Dartz fan! (Yugioh) Varon fan! (Yugioh) Cecelia fan! (Yugioh) Ran Mouri fan! (Case Closed)Trigun series fan! Vash fan! (Trigun) Nicholas fan! (Trigun)Lupin III series fan! Daisuke Jigen fan! (Lupin the Third) <3 Gessekai song fan! (Nightwalker) Detective Shido fan! (Nightwalker) Cain fan!(from Nightwalker).Hack series fan! Shuugo fan! (.hack) Rena fan! (.hack) Lord Balmung fan! (.hack)Claire fan!( from Heatguy J)Boma fan! (from Heatguy J)The Legend of Zelda game series fan! Link, Navi, and Epona fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) Saria fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)Princess Zelda fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) Sheik fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)Malon fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) The race of the Zoras fan! (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) Link VS Ganon fan! *waves Link flag* (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)Sleepy Hollow fan!  I <3 Wolfies!Music from Beauty & the Beast fan!Music from Hercules fan!Arrrgh, matey!You shall not pass!True love at its best <3Friends till` the endGandalf the Grey VS Saruman the White Nine companions: The Fellowship of the Ring Brothers in arms Lestat, Louis, & Claudia fan George and Mary

�Freaky, 2004. This layout was made by my friend, Rosie aka Freaky aka Kagome. EXCEPT for the wonderful picture which was made by yours truly, Katie aka Katiekins aka Rin. All the pictures I aqcuired are from galleries. yadda yadda yadda. The oh-so-sexy pictures of Yami Bakura are from the series Yu-Gi-Oh! which sadly is not owned by me, but by Shonen Jump. The lyrics are from the song Synesthesia by AFI. They are owned by themselves.

Yami BakuraNovember 3, 2004
The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods
Should be doing:Not sure
Wishes:that I didn't have to do my presidential project (still!)
Listens/Watches:The Cure
Random QuotePlease let me haunt as scent on your pillow, letters of past all tear stained and wrinkled.
Synesthesia AFI

Well, the votes are in and Bush has claimed victory over an honorably losing Kerry. *scattered appluase*

I really don't have much to say, so why am I posting? No idea. Felt like I had to, `spose. Though, I really don't know why I should feel compelled to update, I mean no one is forcing me. Oh well. A mystery of life, it must be, the updatings of websites.

<3 Katiekins

Synesthesia AFI

Yami BakuraOctober 31, 2004
Haunted by Meg Cabot
Should be doing:...Not sure
Wishes:that I didn't have to do my presidential project
Consumes:chocolate chip cookies that I baked as well as some caffiene free coke
Listens/Watches:Queen of the Damned
Random QuotePlease let me haunt as scent on your pillow, letters of past all tear stained and wrinkled.
Synesthesia AFI

Happy All Hallow's Eve!

<3 Katiekins

Synesthesia AFI

Yami BakuraOctober 29, 2004
Nothing! AHHH I need my library fix!
Should be doing:nothing that I'm not already doing
Wishes:On a star
Consumes:Not a thing
Listens to:A Story At Three-AFI
Random QuotePlease let me haunt as scent on your pillow, letters of past all tear stained and wrinkled.
Synesthesia AFI

Well, hello there friends. I've come to think that I am pretty good friends with a guy when we can talk freely about circumcision together. It's very good bonding material.

That's what me and Mikey, as I so affectionately refer to Michael D as, conversed about on the two and a half hour ride home from Columbus last night. Pretty interesting. The movie 'The Goonies' was playing on the six or so TV screens on the lovely bus, but, unfortunately, I couldn't hear a word of it `cause of the seventh grade's chatter. Alright, so we were noisy as well, but that's not the point. (Not to mention Ariel sleeping on my lap almost the whole way home)

It was a magnificent field trip, ignoring the fact that I had to wake up from my slumber at 5:30 in the AM to get ready so as to be able to leave my house at 6:30 to get to school by quarter to 7, so I would be on time for the busses. We went to the statehouse in Columbus; culminating with a tour of the statehouse and a study guide. The statehouse was beautiful, but the tour was a little bit on the boring side. No worries, though. COSI (Science Center) was en` route next.

COSI was brilliant. We saw two live shows (rats playing basketball and a Chemistry one) They had many, many different exhibits, including a 'Progress' one, where you 'went back in time' to the nineteenth century; 1819 (roughly). There were two lads and a lassie there, dressed in the attire of the period. That was my favorite one. COSI also had a 'high wire unicycle' that was hands-on, or off, if you prefered. I didn't go on it. No way. Way too high for my liking. Ariel and Libby went on it though, so did Joey. EEK.

<3 Katiekins

Synesthesia AFI

BakuraOctober 23, 2004
Nothing! AHHH I need my library fix!
Should be doing: nothing
Wishes to be doing:something that's not about to happen anytime soon
Consumes:Not a thing
Listens to:Mystic Eyes-Escaflowne ending theme
Random QuotePlease let me haunt as scent on your pillow, letters of past all tear stained and wrinkled.
Synesthesia AFI

Eh, sorry for not updating in so long. Anyways...

We had the dance last night, which was alright. We had a new DJ who wasn't as great as the last ones that we've had. He played four slow songs the entire night. That disappointed me. :( I disappointed myself at the dance too, but I won't go into that. And it's most probably for different reasons then you think. I'll keep that to myself.

My cousin Jenny had her Halloween party tonight, and it was real fun. I was costumed-up as a secret agent; all James Bondish. Yup. I even had this nifty little gun. That was SUPER-COOL. Yup.

Oh! I almost forgot...

I just finished watching the first fifteen episodes of Escaflowne. I LOVE IT. <3 I am sooooo infatuated with Allen. Even though I have heard of his bad doings in episode 17, I think I can handle it and still like `em anyways. <3Thank you much Kagome-chan for letting me borrow the tapes. (And get more episodes soon so that I can see them, dammit!)

<3 Katiekins

Synesthesia AFI

BakuraOctober 17, 2004
Nothing! AHHH I need my library fix!
Mood:desperate/sad, disgusted and hopeless romantic
Should be doing: nothing
Wishes to be doing:Watching Escaflowne
Consumes:Diet caffiene free Coke
Listens to:Fukai Mori-Do As Infinity
Random QuotePlease let me haunt as scent on your pillow, letters of past all tear stained and wrinkled.
Synesthesia AFI

Eww. My lovely Cinnamon Roll oatmeal had just finished cooking in the microwave, so I take out the bowl, put my spoon in there to mix it, and lo-and-behold, what do I find? I find a little bug/maggot thing. Ick. Ick. Ick. *shudders*

Moving on...

Isn't my new layout beautiful? I love it. Especially the main picture becuase I made it. <3 Hehe. Oh, and I am in a getting-fanlistings mood so more should be popping up soon. I added a TON on Friday and Saturday. Have fun.

<3 Katiekins

Synesthesia AFI

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