Hi there! You've decided to cheat and skip reading the first two stories, relying on the hanfic equivalent of Cliff's Notes! (Did you know that there was actually a guy named Cliff behind Cliff's Notes? I didn't know that until the other day. I think he died a couple of years ago, after an inarguably fruitful existence.)

Anyway, you're here about the story. Here's the deal.

"Falling" and "Farther In" are the direct result of my desire to write a hanfic that didn't even touch upon the ever volatile subject of what to do with the members of the Hanson family who are not in the spotlight. (Not that there hasn't been good Hanson fiction written that included the other family members, but I didn't feel up to it.) Therefore, I conveiniently eliminated every family member besides Isaac, Taylor and Zac. . . something I achieved by having the boys born into a different family, with different parents. (And no siblings that I know about yet.)

Okay, in the story, the boys' biological father abandons their mother before Zac is born, and she becomes very negligent and abusive as time goes on. In "Falling," which begins in 1988, the boys end with foster parents named Dan and Nora Conway. They are returned to their biological mother, Kathleen, at the end of that story, but many bad things happen, and when "Farther In," the second book of the story, begins in late 1989, Kathleen is even more abusive and negligent than she was before.

Call it farfetched (and it definitely is) after a particularly horrific incident, Kathleen's parental rights are terminated and the boys end up living with Dan and Nora Conway again. That is where "Farther In" ends. . . the Conways have begun adoption proceedings, but not enough time has passed for anything to have been finalized yet. (This story really sounds stupid when I describe it. :-p (-:)

Okay. Book Three begins in 1997. The boys were adopted by the Conways and have been living with them for seven years, and any major problems stemming from their early childhood experiences are no longer acute. It wouldn't be true to say that they are living "happily ever after," with no further issues concerning their biological parents and what happened when they were younger, but all three of them are handling the facts of their early existences without outward continous problems. Basically, if you encountered them at the time this story opens, you wouldn't really know how bad things had been when they were little. At the same time, that doesn't mean that they don't think about it.

Okay. That's all for now... email me if you have specific questions.

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